Autor: Autor anonimowy

Aesops Fables

Autor anonimowy

Aesops Fables have been around for two thousand five hundred years. Aesops Fables are loved pretty much everywhere and their morals apply to real life. As a genre fables are close to the artistic atmosphere of fairy tales about animals. Observing the life and characteristics of animals, the fabulist makes a comparison between them and the moral characteristics of men. Aesops Fables may be short, but offer a wise lesson in the end. It is up to us to discover ourselves what is hidden behind the images presented by the author. Aesops Fables needs to be known and read many, many times by everybody from childhood up. These are life values that, when learned early, will be in good stead for a life time


Obłok niewiedzy

Autor anonimowy

Obłok niewiedzy jest jednym z najwspanialszych arcydzieł chrześcijańskiej literatury mistycznej. Ten przewodnik XIV-wiecznego mnicha, prowadzącego swojego ucznia ku pełni zjednoczenia mistycznego z Bogiem, zachwyca głębią osobistego doświadczenia duchowego oraz doskonałą znajomością ludzkiej psychiki. Autor zachowuje bliską czytelnikowi XXI wieku powściągliwość, a nawet ironiczny dystans w opisie mistycznych doznań", które nie tylko nie prowadzą do Boga, ale stanowią przeszkodę na drodze prawdziwej kontemplacji.


Rozmowy, które miał król Salomon mądry z Marchołtem grubym a sprośnym, a wszakoż, jako o nim powiedają, barzo zwymownym, z figurami i gadkami śmiesznymi

Autor anonimowy

Marchołt, postać pochodząca prawdopodobnie z żydowskich legend, stał się bohaterem XII-wiecznego niemieckiego utworu, przełożonego na polski w wieku XVI. Po objęciu tronu po ojcu Dawidzie król Salomon poznaje szczególnego podwładnego z wyglądu odrażającego, jednak skorego do uczonych dyskusji. Szybko wychodzi na jaw, że Marchołt jest rubasznym prześmiewcą, któremu z uwagi na spryt i błyskotliwość wiele uchodzi na sucho.


Six-Gun Gorilla

Autor anonimowy

Six-Gun Gorilla is one of the most fun and exciting comics in recent years. This book is a fusion of past and present. The plot of this book is fascinating and unusual: the action takes place in the 22nd century. People who want to die will be sent to the war zone, and their death will be transmitted on screens as a reality show. But this time everything happens differently.


The Confessions of Saint Augustine

Autor anonimowy

Confessions is the name of an autobiographical work, consisting of 13 books, by St. Augustine of Hippo, written between AD 397 and AD 398. Heartfelt, incisive, and timeless, The Confessions of Saint Augustine has captivated readers for more than fifteen hundred years. The son of a pagan father and a Christian mother, Saint Augustine spent his early years torn between conflicting faiths and world views. His Confessions, written when he was in his forties, recount how, slowly and painfully, he came to turn away from his youthful ideas and licentious lifestyle, to become instead a staunch advocate of Christianity and one of its most influential thinkers. Philosophically and theologically brilliant, sincere in its feeling, and both grounded in history and strikingly contemporary in its resonance, The Confessions of Saint Augustine is a timeless classic that will persist as long as humanity continues to long for meaning in life and peace of soul.


The Romance of Lust. A Classic Victorian Erotic Novel

Autor anonimowy

First published in 1873 of anonymous authorship and written during the years 18731876, this novel may well represent the highest moment in nineteenth-century sexual imagination. The four volumes included in this edition make this novel one of the longest and best erotic story ever written. It follows the exploits of Charlie, a virile and well-endowed young man with an apparently boundless appetite for sex. He chronicles his various sexual encounters involving his sisters Eliza and Mary, his governesses, and other various male and female friends. An unabashed portrait of a classic erotic drama, it is considered by critics of the form to be an unparalleled and wholly satisfying reading experience. The Romance of Lustl is a classic Victorian erotic novel not to be missed by fans and collectors of the genre.