Autor: Bogdan Vaida

Working with Linux - Quick Hacks for the Command Line. Command line power like you've never seen

Bogdan Vaida, Petru I>>ôfan

Websites, online services, databases, and pretty much every other computer that offers public services runs on Linux. From small servers to clusters, Linux is anywhere and everywhere. With such a broad usage, the demand for Linux specialists is ever growing. For the engineers out there, this means being able to develop, interconnect, and maintain Linux environments.This book will help you increase your terminal productivity by using Terminator, Guake and other tools. It will start by installing Ubuntu and will explore tools and techniques that will help you to achieve more work with less effort. Next, it will then focus on Terminator, the ultimate terminal, and vim, one of the most intelligent console editors. Futhermore, the readers will see how they can increase their command line productivity by using sed, find, tmux, network, autoenv. The readers will also see how they can edit files without leaving the terminal and use the screen space efficiently and copy-paste like a pro. Towards the end, we focus on network settings, Git hacks, and creating portable environments for development and production using Docker. Through this book, you will improve your terminal productivity by seeing how to use different tools.


Zero to Hero in Cryptocurrency Trading. Learn to trade on a centralized exchange, understand trading psychology, and implement a trading algorithm

Bogdan Vaida

In today's fast-paced digital age, cryptocurrencies have emerged as a revolutionary financial asset class, capturing the attention of investors and traders worldwide. However, navigating the world of cryptocurrency trading can be overwhelming for beginners. Zero to Hero in Cryptocurrency Trading acts as a guiding light to navigate this complex realm.This comprehensive guide to cryptocurrency trading empowers you to go from a novice trader to a proficient investor by helping you implement your own trading strategy. As you progress, you’ll gain structured trading knowledge through hands-on examples and real-time scenarios, bolstered by trading psychology and money management techniques. You’ll be able to automate your manual trades with an algorithm that works even while you sleep. You’ll also benefit from interactive teaching methods, including screenshots, charts, and drawings to help decode market operations and craft your unique edge in the dynamic crypto world. As an added bonus, you’ll receive ready-to-use templates to identify useful indicators, test your strategy, and even maintain a trading journal.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to trade cryptocurrencies and automate manual trading to give you an edge in the markets.