Author: Czesław Dyrcz

Meteorology for students of the Polish Naval Academy

Czesław Dyrcz

This book includes some examples of meteorological phenomena, and contains contemporary knowledge of meteorology used in the course of study of these subjects on a management STCW level. The book was prepared based on my publication Meteorology and oceanography. Terms, defi-nitions and explanation. 2nd Edition, which was released in 2019. This handbook is one of three books (meteorology, oceanography, and voyage planning) that I have written for military and civilian students of naval academies. This is my project, which I am carrying out as a retired admiral and a university teacher. The handbook will be systematically updated and adapted to the needs of the national academies that will use it in the educational process [Preface].


Oceanography for students of the Polish Naval Academy

Czesław Dyrcz

This book includes some examples of oceanological phenomena and contains contemporary knowledge of oceanography used in the course of study of these subjects on a management STCW level. The book was prepared based on my publication Meteorology and oceanography. Terms, defi-nitions and explanation. 2nd Edition, which was released in 2019. This handbook is one of three books (meteorology, oceanography, and voyage planning) that have been written for military and civilian students of naval and ci-vilian academies. This is a project, which author is carrying out as a retired admiral and a university teacher. The handbook will be systematically updated and adapted to the needs of the national academies that will use it in the educational process [Preface].


Voyage planning

Czesław Dyrcz

Voyage Planning has been written for Polish and foreign military, and civilian students, as well as participants in specialized courses at the Polish Naval Academy. The book includes the course content of the voyage planning subject of study on management and operational level of responsibility - STCW. The book also shows some examples of voyage planning on paper and electronic charts (ENC). The publication can be useful for both beginners, and ship's deck officers to better understand navigation process of voyage planning. In addition, the content and order of chapters is consistent with the requirements of the Voyage planning curriculum. Voyage planning in the Navies contains some different elements, which is why military students should take this fact into account. The Navy's voyage planning process is based on military instructions which are not illustrated in this handbook.


Voyage planning process and weather

Czesław Dyrcz

The main purpose of this monograph is to illustrate the modern voyage planning process implemented using paper or electronic navigation charts and to show the location of the weather at all stages of the voyage planning process. The monograph contains four chapters, of which the first generally deals with the voyage planning process, while the next three chapters focus on and legal recommendations of the process, sources of weather information, weather and ice conditions in the planning process and weather in voyage stages. The process of voyage planning has been illustrated with many figures showing the author's own studies and these have no references (from the Introduction).