Autor: Donald A. Tevault

Bezpieczeństwo systemu Linux. Hardening i najnowsze techniki zabezpieczania przed cyberatakami. Wydanie III

Donald A. Tevault

Systemy linuksowe uchodzą za bezpieczne i odporne na cyberataki. Jednak nawet najbezpieczniejszy system może paść ich ofiarą, jeśli jego administrator nie zastosuje odpowiednich środków zabezpieczających. Cyberprzestępcy wciąż opracowują i testują nowe metody ataków, dlatego też specjaliści do spraw bezpieczeństwa nieustannie muszą doskonalić swoje umiejętności. Oto kompleksowe omówienie sposobów wdrażania najnowszych dostępnych środków zabezpieczających systemy linuksowe. Z książki dowiesz się, jak skonfigurować laboratorium do ćwiczeń praktycznych, tworzyć konta użytkowników z odpowiednimi poziomami uprawnień, chronić dane dzięki uprawnieniom i szyfrowaniu, a także skonfigurować zaporę sieciową przy użyciu najnowszych technologii. Nauczysz się też automatyzować takie czynności jak monitorowanie systemu za pomocą auditd i utwardzanie (hardening) konfiguracji jądra Linux. Poznasz również sposoby ochrony przed złośliwym oprogramowaniem i skanowania systemów pod kątem luk w zabezpieczeniach. Znajdziesz tu ponadto podpowiedź, jak używać Security Onion do skonfigurowania systemu wykrywania włamań. W książce między innymi: zapobieganie naruszeniom bezpieczeństwa systemów Linux dodatkowe funkcje i możliwości systemu Linux ochrona przed nieautoryzowanym dostępem konfiguracja uprawnień do plików i katalogów utwardzanie usługi Secure Shell szablony zabezpieczeń i monitorowanie Twój Linux Twoją twierdzą!


Mastering Linux Security and Hardening. A practical guide to protecting your Linux system from cyber attacks - Third Edition

Donald A. Tevault

The third edition of Mastering Linux Security and Hardening is an updated, comprehensive introduction to implementing the latest Linux security measures, using the latest versions of Ubuntu and AlmaLinux.In this new edition, you will learn how to set up a practice lab, create user accounts with appropriate privilege levels, protect sensitive data with permissions settings and encryption, and configure a firewall with the newest firewall technologies. You’ll also explore how to use sudo to set up administrative accounts with only the privileges required to do a specific job, and you’ll get a peek at the new sudo features that have been added over the past couple of years. You’ll also see updated information on how to set up a local certificate authority for both Ubuntu and AlmaLinux, as well as how to automate system auditing. Other important skills that you’ll learn include how to automatically harden systems with OpenSCAP, audit systems with auditd, harden the Linux kernel configuration, protect your systems from malware, and perform vulnerability scans of your systems. As a bonus, you’ll see how to use Security Onion to set up an Intrusion Detection System.By the end of this new edition, you will confidently be able to set up a Linux server that will be secure and harder for malicious actors to compromise.


Mastering Linux Security and Hardening. Protect your Linux systems from intruders, malware attacks, and other cyber threats - Second Edition

Donald A. Tevault

From creating networks and servers to automating the entire working environment, Linux has been extremely popular with system administrators for the last couple of decades. However, security has always been a major concern. With limited resources available in the Linux security domain, this book will be an invaluable guide in helping you get your Linux systems properly secured.Complete with in-depth explanations of essential concepts, practical examples, and self-assessment questions, this book begins by helping you set up a practice lab environment and takes you through the core functionalities of securing Linux. You'll practice various Linux hardening techniques and advance to setting up a locked-down Linux server. As you progress, you will also learn how to create user accounts with appropriate privilege levels, protect sensitive data by setting permissions and encryption, and configure a firewall. The book will help you set up mandatory access control, system auditing, security profiles, and kernel hardening, and finally cover best practices and troubleshooting techniques to secure your Linux environment efficiently.By the end of this Linux security book, you will be able to confidently set up a Linux server that will be much harder for malicious actors to compromise.


Mastering Linux Security and Hardening. Secure your Linux server and protect it from intruders, malware attacks, and other external threats

Donald A. Tevault

This book has extensive coverage of techniques that will help prevent attackers from breaching your system, by building a much more secure Linux environment. You will learn various security techniques such as SSH hardening, network service detection, setting up firewalls, encrypting file systems, protecting user accounts, authentication processes, and so on. Moving forward, you will also develop hands-on skills with advanced Linux permissions, access control, special modes, and more. Lastly, this book will also cover best practices and troubleshooting techniques to get your work done efficiently.By the end of this book, you will be confident in delivering a system that will be much harder to compromise.