Autor: Douglas Paterson

Building Websites with PHP-Nuke. A practical guide to creating and maintaining your own community website with PHP-Nuke

Douglas Paterson, Francisco Burzi

PHP-Nuke is a free tool for managing the content of a dynamic website. As one of the most popular applications on the Internet, PHP-Nuke has grown into a complex, powerful tool with an extraordinary range of features, and a loyal community of supporters. Through a web-based interface, users can edit and manage their site without the need for knowledge of web programming. PHP-Nuke is ideal for running a community-driven website, where visitors create accounts, comment and interact with the site, and contribute material in an easily managed fashion. PHP-Nuke has many of the features you would want from a website such as news stories, ratings, comments, discussion forums, and its look can be easily controlled with the use of themes.If you want to create a powerful, fully-featured website in no time, this book is for you. This book will help you explore PHP-Nuke, putting you in the picture of what it offers, and how to go about realizing this.Throughout the book we develop an example site, as you are taken on a detailed tour of the features of PHP-Nuke. You will be introduced to the main components of PHP-Nuke, and learn how to manage them. You will develop the skills and confidence to manage all types of content on the site, and also understand how users work and interact with the site.To make sure that you create a site that looks the way you want it to, the book covers customizing themes to help define your look for your pages. Although PHP-Nuke allows you to accomplish much without doing any web programming, to extend your site you will need to get your hands dirty with some coding. The book leads you through adding custom code to PHP-Nuke, and shows you how PHP-Nuke puts pages together, and the functions it uses for the fundamental operations of the site.


Learning Mambo: A Step-by-Step Tutorial to Building Your Website. A well-structured and example-rich tutorial to creating websites using Mambo

Douglas Paterson, Mambo Foundation Inc

Mambo is a mature and fully featured open-source Content Management System (CMS). Mambo is easy to use at the entry level for creating basic websites, while having the power and flexibility to support complex web applications.Mambo implements the core requirements of a full-featured CMS. It has a powerful and extensible templating system, user access control, content approval, rich administrative control, and content display scheduling. New features and extensions are added to the core system, with many more being available and supported by the community.This book targets the 4.6 release of Mambo, and takes you through creating an example website. Beginning with a discussion of the requirements for the example site, the site unfolds as you progress through the chapters, learning more about Mambo, and how to complete the tasks needed to build the site.You'll see the basic configuration options for setting up your site, and learn about Mambo's main elements as you work your way around its web-based administration area. As soon as you're familiar with the general principles and behavior of Mambo, it's time to pile on the features for your site; adding modules and components, uploading images and other resources, and managing templates. You will learn to use Mambo's powerful Universal Installer to effortlessly install add-ons that are not part of the standard distribution. The pages on your site, how they are displayed, and who can see them, are determined by Mambo's menu system. With many examples of the different types of menu items, the book will lead you through the important tasks of creating menu items, and help you understand how these choices structure the pages on your site and ease your visitors' navigation.You will see how to organize and enter your content into Mambo, and how to manage and edit this organization and your pieces of content. As we tackle user management, you will see how Mambo allows you to set up user accounts with different permissions, including a set of special users who can author or edit content. We also take a detailed look at the notifications that occur when content is submitted by these users. This analysis reveals how the Mambo publishing workflow process works, and how you can exploit it effectively. Moving on from the standard Mambo features, we look at some third-party extensions that add powerful discussion forum, event scheduling, and image gallery features to your site.To create a new look for your site, you create a new template. We cover this, and even if you're no expert in web design, you will be taken through a number of basic tasks to create an impressive new design for your site.


PHP-Nuke. Tworzenie witryn WWW

Douglas Paterson

Zbuduj własną witrynę WWW, wykorzystując PHP-Nuke Zainstaluj pakiet PHPNuke i skonfiguruj go Dodaj artykuły i zarządzaj użytkownikami witryny Rozszerz możliwości pakietu, tworząc własne moduły Rosnąca w imponującym tempie popularność internetu sprawiła, że witryny WWW coraz częściej zakładane są przez osoby bez doświadczenia programistycznego. Doskonałym ułatwieniem dla nich mogą być gotowe pakiety umożliwiające -- przy minimalnym nakładzie pracy i niewielkiej wiedzy na ten temat -- uruchomienie nawet bardzo rozbudowanej witryny WWW. Jednym z najpopularniejszych tego typu pakietów jest PHP-Nuke. Ten stworzony w języku PHP i rozprowadzany na licencji open source system portalowy służy wielu twórcom jako baza do budowy witryn internetowych. Książka "PHP-Nuke. Tworzenie witryn WWW" szczegółowo prezentuje działanie tego systemu i wskazuje wszystkie jego możliwości. Czytając ją, nauczysz się budować serwisy internetowe przy użyciu PHP-Nuke. Dowiesz się, jak zainstalować system, skonfigurować go oraz uruchomić prostą witrynę. Poznasz sposoby umieszczania na stronach poszczególnych modułów PHP-Nuke, zarządzania użytkownikami i treściami artykułów, tworzenia forów dyskusyjnych i sond oraz łączenia wszystkich elementów PHP-Nuke w rozbudowany portal. Zobaczysz też, jak można zmieniać szatę graficzną portalu i tworzyć własne moduły. Na treść książki składają się następujące zagadnienia: instalacja PHP-Nuke uruchomienie pierwszej strony zarządzanie blokami i modułami zakładanie kont użytkowników tworzenie i publikowanie artykułów zarządzanie treścią portalu korzystanie z motywów tworzenie własnych modułów w języku PHP Jeśli chcesz błyskawicznie stworzyć rozbudowaną aplikację internetową, ta książka jest właśnie dla Ciebie.