Autor: Earl Derr Biggers

Behind That Curtain

Earl Derr Biggers

Biggers third book in the Charlie Chan series involves the detective in a case that spans decades and continents, culminating in the city of San Francisco. This time Charlie pulls aside the curtain that conceals a mystery far in the past. The plot links a present day murder with another murder some year previously, combined with a series of disappearances of young women. Charlie Chan is still trying to leave San Francisco after a vacation that turned into a job of detection. Once again hes kept from leaving by a case: the murder of Sir Frederick Bruce, ex-head of the Criminal Investigation Unit at Scotland Yard. Despite his retirement, Sir Frederick cant resist pursuing certain unsolved cases to their end. His end comes before his success, and its Charlie Chans fate to carry on. How Charlie gets involved is a part of the deliciously complex plot that the reader can look forward to.


Charlie Chan Carries On

Earl Derr Biggers

The fifth of the Earl Derr Biggers Charlie Chan books books involves the Honolulu detective in a case of murder that stretches around the world, as members of a tour group are dying, one by one. Charlies old friend Chief Inspector Duff from Scotland Yard comes to his rescue in this book. Duff is investigating the murder of Hugh Morris Drake, a sweet old man strangled in Londons famous and exclusive hotel, Broomes. Drake is with a tour group encircling the globe. While Duffs ship is docked in Honolulu, the detective is shot and wounded by his quarry; though he survives, he is unable to continue with the cruise, and Chan takes his place on the ship to San Francisco, where finally the mystery is solved.


Chińska papuga

Earl Derr Biggers

Earl Derr Biggers (18841933), amerykański pisarz, zyskał uznanie jako autor powieści detektywistycznych. Chińska papuga należy do jednej z jego serii powieściowych, w której Biggers wykreował postać detektywa chińskiego pochodzenia Charliego Chana. Charakterystyczny styl pracy śledczego oraz metodyczne podejście do rozwiązywania zagadek kryminalnych zaskarbiły i detektywowi, i autorowi sympatię czytelników. Biggers studiował na Uniwersytecie Harvarda. Zanim został pisarzem, pracował jako dziennikarz i krytyk teatralny.


Chińska papuga

Earl Derr Biggers

Mimo upływu lat Aleksander Eden wciąż pamięta, jak w wieku siedemnastu lat pobierał w Honolulu nauki tańca od uroczej dziewczyny imieniem Alicja. Była to córka milionera, czego dowodził sznur błyszczących pereł na jej szyi. Ścieżki tych dwojga rozeszły się na lata, by przeciąć się ponownie, gdy oboje są już więcej niż dojrzałymi ludźmi. Aleksander prowadzi dobrze prosperującą firmę jubilerską, zaś Alicja po śmierci męża popadła w tarapaty finansowe. Mężczyzna pomaga swojej dawnej miłości sprzedać sznur pereł. Zakupem jest zainteresowany ekscentryczny milioner - kosztowności trzeba jednak dostarczyć na pustynię w Kalifornii. Aleksander wysyła w tę misję swojego syna Boba. Towarzyszy mu przybyły z Honolulu chiński policjant Charlie Chan. To druga powieść z serii kryminałów o charakterystycznym detektywie. Książka była dwukrotnie ekranizowana - w 1927 i 1934 r. - jednak obie wersje uważane są za stracone.


Dom bez klucza

Earl Derr Biggers

Dom bez klucza to pierwsza powieść E.D. Biggersa z cyklu o Charliem Chanie. Detektyw Chan musi rozwiązać zagadkę tajemniczego morderstwa Dana Winterslipa, niepokornego bostończyka mieszkającego na Hawajach. Tuż po jego śmierci na jaw wychodzą mroczne tajemnice z jego przeszłości, które rzucają złe światło na ród Winterslipów, będących ostoją bostońskiego konserwatyzmu. W rozwiązaniu zagadki Chanowi pomaga John Quincy, purytanin najczystszej wody.


Fifty Candles

Earl Derr Biggers

Just as in Biggers first Charlie Chan mystery, The House Without a Key, that romantic link between the Hawaii of a different era and the city of San Francisco is explored and holds the key to the mystery. Henry Drew has cheated young Winthrop out of a partnership in a Hunan mine. Other shady deeds abound in the past of this rich and outwardly respectable old man. Despite his antagonism to Drew, Winthrop accepts the old mans invitation to a birthday dinner, mainly to be near the young woman he loves, companion to Mrs. Drew. Unfortunately Winthrop finds old Drew dead in a pool of blood by the dining room table, and he himself is the likeliest suspect. Or could the murderer be Dr. Parker, illicit admirer of Mrs. Drew? And why are there fifty candles on the birthday cake, when old Drew was pushing seventy?


Inside the Lines

Earl Derr Biggers, Robert Welles Ritchie

Inside the Lines is a drama that developed during the First World War. The story about a business woman who came to New York to visit her department store. She meets an officer in the British signal corps. He escorts her to Paris and advises to quickly complete his business and return to America before the start of the war. But our heroine does the opposite and is in difficult circumstances.


Keeper of the Keys

Earl Derr Biggers

In this last written adventure, the plot unfolds with an intriguing scenario. Wealthy and hospitible Dudley Ward gathers together Charlie Chan along with Ellens three later husbands to his large house on Lake Tahoe. After hearing his former wife, Ellen Landini, may have been pregnant when she left him, Dudley Ward is determined to find his son. There are four ex-husbands, including Ward, all of them angry with Landini, who is about to marry a fifth husband, also present, with his sister, at this bizarre gathering. Landini herself arrives on the scene to complete the madness, and is promptly murdered. Her servants, entourage and husbands all come under suspicion. Keeper of the Keys was the final book written by Earl Derr Biggers before his passing a year later.