Autor: Franck Leveque

Instant StyleCop Code Analysis How-to. Learn how to analyze and maintain code for your projects using StyleCop

Franck Leveque

In medium-sized and big projects, coding conventions are defined in order to improve readability and maintainability for all the developers of the team. Stylecop analyzes your code and detects coding rule violations during all the phases of your project lifecycle.Instant StyleCop Code Analysis How-to allows you to take advantage of the features of Stylecop by guiding you through how to configure it, how to integrate it in your project environment, and finally how to personalize it in order to fit your needs.Instant StyleCop Code Analysis How-to teaches you how to configure and integrate Stylecop in your programming environment. The book will do this by showing you how to configure Stylecop on the developers IDE to the continuous integration server.You will also learn how to customize Stylecop to fit your coding style by creating new rules as well as learning how to personalize your headers file. You will also see how to embed it in your own tools, using as an example the creation of a real time analysis add-on for Monodevelop.With Instant StyleCop Code Analysis How-to, you will have an overview of all the required steps to successfully integrate your programming team and enforce your own coding rules.