Autor: Gaurav Gupta

Mastering HTML5 Forms. Create dynamic and responsive web forms with this in - depth, hands-on guide

Gaurav Gupta

HTML5 has given web developers the ability to easily develop sites and applications which, previously, were extremely time consuming. Now, they can not only build visually stunning forms and web pages, but can also increase the scope of their applications, as well as collect valuable user inputs and data through customized forms.This practical guide will teach you how to create responsive forms, and how to link them to the database. This will enable you to take advantage of the power behind HTML5 elements for building forms, and make the user interfaces attractive and more interactive.Explore the benefits of web forms, and learn how to create them using new HTML5 form elements. This guide will take you through a number of clear, practical examples that will help you to take advantage of the forms built and customized using HTML5 and related technologies, quickly and painlessly. Your ability to build responsive forms will be enhanced throughout the book.You will also learn about the necessity of validations, CSS3 properties for improving the look of the form, and how to link the form to the server. Lastly, you will learn to make the standard forms responsive by making them compatible with desktops and mobile devices.


Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 Essentials. Design and deliver an optimal user experience for all devices

Alex Libby, Gaurav Gupta, Asoj Talesra

Responsive web design (RWD) is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience—providing easy reading and navigation with minimum resizing, panning, and scrolling—and all of this across a wide range of devices from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones. Responsive web design is becoming more important as the amount of mobile traffic now accounts for more than half of the Internet’s total traffic.This book will give you in depth knowledge about the basics of responsive web design. You will embark on a journey of building effective responsive web pages that work across a range of devices, from mobile phones to smart TVs, with nothing more than standard markup and styling techniques.You'll begin by getting an understanding of what RWD is and its significance to the modern web. Building on the basics, you'll learn about layouts and media queries. Following this, we’ll dive into creating layouts using grid based templates. We’ll also cover the important topic of performance management, and discover how to tackle cross-browser challenges.