Autor: Gökhan Ozar

MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat. Master the tools you thought you knew and discover the features you never knew existed with this book and

Gökhan Ozar

Any database designer who wants to accomplish both everyday tasks and more advanced actions with a few clicks or drag-and-drops can now do so using Navicat's advanced tools and this book.Starting with the basics before progressing with advanced features, this book can be read from cover to cover, or simply used as a reference guide for any problems you encounter.The book features 'work along' tutorials, some of which will surprise you by revealing features of Navicat which you may never have known existed ñ features such as designing functions and stored procedures, event triggers, creating batch jobs and scheduling.MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat is an ideal resource to master Navicat and unlock its true potential.