Автор: H. Rider Haggard
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Allan and the Ice-Gods. A Tale of Beginnings

H. Rider Haggard

Many people want to have a drug in their hands that can change our appearance. Our hero was in the hands of just such a drug. Quatermain takes the hallucinogenic drug taduki, after which he transforms into an incomprehensible creature. He falls in prehistoric times, in cave times. Such an adventure will be definitely interesting.

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Allan Quatermain

H. Rider Haggard

Quatermain has lost his only son and is eager to return to the wilderness. He persuaded Captain John Good and the Zulu chief Umbopa to accompany him, they set off from the coast of East Africa, this time in search of a white race that lives north of Mount Kenya. They encounter a fierce battle with the Masai warriors, undergo a terrible underground journey and discover a lost civilization. As a result, a terrible underground journey takes place and reveal a lost civilization.

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Allans Wife and Other Tales

H. Rider Haggard

Allans Wife and Other Tales talks about the times of Allan Quatermain in South Africa. After all, there happened the most terrible events in the life of the main character. He lost his father there. Ultimately, we will know the fate of his wife. This will be one of the most challenging travels of Allan Quatermain.

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A Tale of Three Lions

H. Rider Haggard

Henry Rider Haggard wrote adventure novels. A Tale of Three Lions is an exciting story about the dangerous adventure of a young girl, Harry. She wants to join her father, who became a celebrity, thanks to the lion hunt. This novel, though not a fantasy, but still strikes a denouement.

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Ayesha. The Return of She

H. Rider Haggard

This is a story about the beautiful and immortal Ayesha. The expedition is sent to an unexplored part of Africa, where the group finds Ayesha, who claims the expeditions leader is the reincarnation of her long-dead beloved. Ayesha became ageless and absolutely beautiful over 2 thousand years ago, plunging into a magical fire. Her only desire is to reunite with her beloved man. She makes the expedition leader to immerse himself as well.

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H. Rider Haggard

Beatrice is one of the most emotional works written by Henry Rider Haggard. There are no crazy adventures, frightening battles or supernatural events, but there is everything for the soul, for easy reading. It tells of the ill-fated love between Beatrice Granger, an unmarried Welsh teacher, and Jeffrey Bingham, a wretchedly married lawyer who lives in London. It all starts after Beatrice saved Jeffreys life in a canoe accident during a huge storm. This is a story about a tangled love triangle, and possibly a pentagon.

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H. Rider Haggard

Belshazzar is the latest novel by Henry Rider Haggard. He wrote it shortly before his death. All events revolve around Ramose, a descendant of the Egyptian pharaoh and the Greek. He decides to radically change his life and go on adventures. As a result, this decision leads to the fall of Babylon at the hand of the Persian Empire under Cyrus.

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Benita. An African Romance

H. Rider Haggard

The main task of the heroes is to find the treasure. The trader heard the legend of the great treasure buried by the Portuguese party for hundreds of years before the last source tried to find it with the help of a mesmericist. The child was put into a trance and told his mesmerists details about the adventures and death of the unfortunate Portuguese men and women. With many other details, the boy so accurately described the burial of the great treasure and its exact position that the white man and the mesmerist could find the place where he was.