Autor: Hugh Walpole

Above the Dark Circus

Hugh Walpole

This novel is served with a psychological detective dressing. In reality, this is a mixture of experiences, feelings and thoughts of the protagonist, describing events that in any case should end in tragedy. This is not hidden from the very beginning. Everything that happens is written very atmospheric, gradually thickening events to an inevitable outcome.


All Souls Night

Hugh Walpole

This is a collection of short stories. These are rather atypical horror stories. After all, here the heroes are not afraid of ghosts or a monster. Namely, the behavior of the characters in the stories scares everyone. Some contain ghosts or another supernatural phenomenon, others are simply disturbing they inspire the reader with a sense of anxiety, talking about coincidences that may not be quite like that. This is something unusual.


A Prayer for My Son

Hugh Walpole

This is the story of a sadist, in this case, a grandfather with excessive ego and a thirst for satisfying his sense of strength. The boys mother, his aunt, the boy himself become a victim of his madness, and the story gathers momentum until they are forced to flee from an environment that gives him his strength. This is a skillful build-up of atmosphere and tension.


Captain Nicholas

Hugh Walpole

Captain Nicolas is the authors most recognizable character. One for which its immediately clear whose story it is. Hugh Walpole tells the story of a family conflict. This is an ideal family, an example for everyone, but an evil and dissatisfied brother breaks into this idyll. The story is about an evil brother who is returning to visit his family, and about the destruction that he is reaping with his activity.


Hans Frost

Hugh Walpole

Hans Frost is a great figure for his fans. The protagonist is the greatest writer. Hans Frost received his guests and graciously accepted the wonderful gift that his fans combined to buy for him. His books do not bring such a large income, and the wealth of his wife provides the luxury that he possessed from the time of their marriage. Natalies entry into his world is the catalyst that Hans needs to wake him from recession.


Harmer John

Hugh Walpole

Harmer John went to Italy to study art there. He was enraged by the desire to develop a plan to save the world. Life is a pure flame, and we live under the invisible Sun inside us... We all live in the cemetery of the innocent saints, as in the sands of Ayegipt; Ready to be anyone, in the ecstasy of eternity and be content with six feet, like Adrians moles. Will the main character be able to ask for his task?


Head in Green Bronze and Other Stories

Hugh Walpole

In Walpole style, an excellent collection of short story bedside tables in the guest room, for recovering or reading aloud. There is nothing modern cynicism; the stories seem somewhat outdated but in the end it often reassures. One group may be left alone, Let the storm tremble, built on the fascinating idea of business to rid society of boring ones.


Jeremy and Hamlet

Hugh Walpole

This is a horror book, but prone to human psychology. The book begins: between the kitchen and the pantry there was a certain window, which was a favorite for Hamlet. Thirty years ago these chronicles of 1894 the basements of houses in provincial English cities, even large houses owned by wealthy people, were dark, cold, odorous caves sizzling with bad gas and smelling of poorly prepared cabbage. The basement of Coles house in Polchester was the same bad, like any other, but this small window between the kitchen and the pantry was higher in the wall than other basement windows.