Author: Jason Alls

Clean Code in C#. Refactor your legacy C# code base and improve application performance by applying best practices

Jason Alls

Traditionally associated with developing Windows desktop applications and games, C# is now used in a wide variety of domains, such as web and cloud apps, and has become increasingly popular for mobile development. Despite its extensive coding features, professionals experience problems related to efficiency, scalability, and maintainability because of bad code. Clean Code in C# will help you identify these problems and solve them using coding best practices.The book starts with a comparison of good and bad code, helping you understand the importance of coding standards, principles, and methodologies. You’ll then get to grips with code reviews and their role in improving your code while ensuring that you adhere to industry-recognized coding standards. This C# book covers unit testing, delves into test-driven development, and addresses cross-cutting concerns. You’ll explore good programming practices for objects, data structures, exception handling, and other aspects of writing C# computer programs. Once you’ve studied API design and discovered tools for improving code quality, you’ll look at examples of bad code and understand which coding practices you should avoid.By the end of this clean code book, you’ll have the developed skills you need in order to apply industry-approved coding practices to write clean, readable, extendable, and maintainable C# code.


Clean Code with C#. Refactor your legacy C# code base and improve application performance using best practices - Second Edition

Jason Alls

Traditionally associated with Windows desktop applications and game development, C# has expanded into web, cloud, and mobile development. However, despite its extensive coding features, professionals often encounter issues with efficiency, scalability, and maintainability due to poor code. Clean Code in C# guides you in identifying and resolving these problems using coding best practices.This book starts by comparing good and bad code to emphasize the importance of coding standards, principles, and methodologies. It then covers code reviews, unit testing, and test-driven development, and addresses cross-cutting concerns. As you advance through the chapters, you’ll discover programming best practices for objects, data structures, exception handling, and other aspects of writing C# computer programs. You’ll also explore API design and code quality enhancement tools, while studying examples of poor coding practices to understand what to avoid.By the end of this clean code book, you’ll have the developed the skills needed to apply industry-approved coding practices to write clean, readable, extendable, and maintainable C# code.


Czysty kod w C#. Techniki refaktoryzacji i najlepsze praktyki

Jason Alls

Język C# cechują dojrzałość, prostota i nowoczesność. Służy on do wielu celów: do tworzenia aplikacji sieciowych, aplikacji działających w chmurze, oprogramowania dla urządzeń mobilnych i internetu rzeczy. Choć pozwala na pisanie kodu bezpiecznego, przejrzystego, wydajnego i prostego w konserwacji, zdarzają się przypadki, gdy jest on tak fatalnej jakości, że uzyskanie właściwej skalowalności i wydajności oprogramowania staje się niemożliwe. W takim wypadku trzeba zidentyfikować i rozwiązać problemy występujące w kodzie. Nie jest to łatwe zadanie. Dzięki tej książce zrozumiesz znaczenie standardów kodowania, zasad i metodologii. Dowiesz się, czemu służą przeglądy kodu oraz jak przyczyniają się do jego poprawiania oraz zapewnienia zgodności z uznanymi standardami. Opisano tu także testy jednostkowe, zagadnienia związane z techniką TDD oraz rozwiązywaniem zadań przekrojowych. Zaprezentowano dobre praktyki programowania obiektów, struktur danych, obsługiwania wyjątków oraz innych aspektów pisania programów w języku C#. Poszczególne zagadnienia zilustrowano licznymi przykładami działającego kodu C# oraz wyczerpującymi wyjaśnieniami w postaci procedur krok po kroku. W książce między innymi: dobre praktyki pisania kodu w C# implementacja metodologii fail-pass-refactor dla kodu w C# wzorce projektowe i ich stosowanie rozpoznawanie kodu złej jakości zabezpieczanie interfejsów API i usługa Azure Key Vault wykorzystywanie narzędzi do profilowania i refaktoryzacji C#. Sekret sukcesu tkwi w czystym i najbardziej przejrzystym kodzie


High-Performance Programming in C# and .NET. Understand the nuts and bolts of developing robust, faster, and resilient applications in C# 10.0 and .NET 6

Jason Alls

Writing high-performance code while building an application is crucial, and over the years, Microsoft has focused on delivering various performance-related improvements within the .NET ecosystem. This book will help you understand the aspects involved in designing responsive, resilient, and high-performance applications with the new version of C# and .NET.You will start by understanding the foundation of high-performance code and the latest performance-related improvements in C# 10.0 and .NET 6. Next, you’ll learn how to use tracing and diagnostics to track down performance issues and the cause of memory leaks. The chapters that follow then show you how to enhance the performance of your networked applications and various ways to improve directory tasks, file tasks, and more. Later, you’ll go on to improve data querying performance and write responsive user interfaces. You’ll also discover how you can use cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure to build scalable distributed solutions. Finally, you’ll explore various ways to process code synchronously, asynchronously, and in parallel to reduce the time it takes to process a series of tasks.By the end of this C# programming book, you’ll have the confidence you need to build highly resilient, high-performance applications that meet your customer's demands.