Business and economy
- Bitcoin
- Businesswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-business
- Economy
- Finances
- Stocks and investments
- Personal competence
- Computer in the office
- Communication and negotiation
- Small company
- Marketing
- Motivation
- Multimedia trainings
- Real estate
- Persuasion and NLP
- Taxes
- Social policy
- Guides
- Presentations
- Leadership
- Public Relation
- Reports, analyses
- Secret
- Social Media
- Sales
- Start-up
- Your career
- Management
- Project management
- Human Resources
For children
For youth
Encyclopedias, dictionaries
- Architektura i wnętrza
- Health and Safety
- Biznes i Ekonomia
- Home and garden
- E-business
- Finances
- Personal finance
- Business
- Photography
- Computer science
- HR & Payroll
- Computers, Excel
- Accounts
- Culture and literature
- Scientific and academic
- Environmental protection
- Opinion-forming
- Education
- Taxes
- Travelling
- Psychology
- Religion
- Agriculture
- Book and press market
- Transport and Spedition
- Healthand beauty
Computer science
- Office applications
- Data bases
- Bioinformatics
- IT business
- Digital Lifestyle
- Electronics
- Digital photography
- Computer graphics
- Games
- Hacking
- Hardware
- IT w ekonomii
- Scientific software package
- School textbooks
- Computer basics
- Programming
- Mobile programming
- Internet servers
- Computer networks
- Start-up
- Operational systems
- Artificial intelligence
- Technology for children
- Webmastering
Foreign languages
Culture and art
School reading books
- Antology
- Ballade
- Biographies and autobiographies
- For adults
- Dramas
- Diaries, memoirs, letters
- Epic, epopee
- Essay
- Fantasy and science fiction
- Feuilletons
- Work of fiction
- Humour and satire
- Other
- Classical
- Crime fiction
- Non-fiction
- Fiction
- Mity i legendy
- Nobelists
- Novellas
- Moral
- Okultyzm i magia
- Short stories
- Memoirs
- Travelling
- Narrative poetry
- Poetry
- Politics
- Popular science
- Novel
- Historical novel
- Prose
- Adventure
- Journalism, publicism
- Reportage novels
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensational
- Thriller, Horror
- Interviews and memoirs
Natural sciences
Social sciences
School textbooks
Popular science and academic
- Archeology
- Bibliotekoznawstwo
- Cinema studies
- Philology
- Polish philology
- Philosophy
- Finanse i bankowość
- Geography
- Economy
- Trade. World economy
- History and archeology
- History of art and architecture
- Cultural studies
- Linguistics
- Literary studies
- Logistics
- Maths
- Medicine
- Humanities
- Pedagogy
- Educational aids
- Popular science
- Other
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Theatre studies
- Theology
- Economic theories and teachings
- Transport i spedycja
- Physical education
- Zarządzanie i marketing
Game guides
Professional and specialist guides
- Health and Safety
- History
- Road Code. Driving license
- Law studies
- Healthcare
- General. Compendium of knowledge
- Academic textbooks
- Other
- Construction and local law
- Civil law
- Financial law
- Economic law
- Economic and trade law
- Criminal law
- Criminal law. Criminal offenses. Criminology
- International law
- International law
- Health care law
- Educational law
- Tax law
- Labor and social security law
- Public, constitutional and administrative law
- Family and Guardianship Code
- agricultural law
- Social law, labour law
- European Union law
- Industry
- Agricultural and environmental
- Dictionaries and encyclopedia
- Public procurement
- Management
Tourist guides and travel
- Africa
- Albums
- Southern America
- North and Central America
- Australia, New Zealand, Oceania
- Austria
- Asia
- Balkans
- Middle East
- Bulgary
- China
- Croatia
- The Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Egipt
- Estonia
- Europe
- France
- Mountains
- Greece
- Spain
- Holand
- Iceland
- Lithuania
- Latvia
- Mapy, Plany miast, Atlasy
- Mini travel guides
- Germany
- Norway
- Active travelling
- Poland
- Portugal
- Other
- Przewodniki po hotelach i restauracjach
- Russia
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Switzerland
- Sweden
- World
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- Hungary
- Great Britain
- Italy
- Philosophy of life
- Kompetencje psychospołeczne
- Interpersonal communication
- Mindfulness
- General
- Persuasion and NLP
- Academic psychology
- Psychology of soul and mind
- Work psychology
- Relacje i związki
- Parenting and children psychology
- Problem solving
- Intellectual growth
- Secret
- Sexapeal
- Seduction
- Appearance and image
- Philosophy of life
Sport, fitness, diets
Technology and mechanics
Business and economy
- Bitcoin
- Businesswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-business
- Economy
- Finances
- Stocks and investments
- Personal competence
- Communication and negotiation
- Small company
- Marketing
- Motivation
- Real estate
- Persuasion and NLP
- Taxes
- Guides
- Presentations
- Leadership
- Public Relation
- Secret
- Social Media
- Sales
- Start-up
- Your career
- Management
- Project management
- Human Resources
For children
For youth
Encyclopedias, dictionaries
Computer science
Foreign languages
Culture and art
School reading books
- Antology
- Ballade
- Biographies and autobiographies
- For adults
- Dramas
- Diaries, memoirs, letters
- Epic, epopee
- Essay
- Fantasy and science fiction
- Feuilletons
- Work of fiction
- Humour and satire
- Other
- Classical
- Crime fiction
- Non-fiction
- Fiction
- Mity i legendy
- Nobelists
- Novellas
- Moral
- Okultyzm i magia
- Short stories
- Memoirs
- Travelling
- Poetry
- Politics
- Popular science
- Novel
- Historical novel
- Prose
- Adventure
- Journalism, publicism
- Reportage novels
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensational
- Thriller, Horror
- Interviews and memoirs
Natural sciences
Social sciences
Popular science and academic
Professional and specialist guides
Tourist guides and travel
- Philosophy of life
- Interpersonal communication
- Mindfulness
- General
- Persuasion and NLP
- Academic psychology
- Psychology of soul and mind
- Work psychology
- Relacje i związki
- Parenting and children psychology
- Problem solving
- Intellectual growth
- Secret
- Sexapeal
- Seduction
- Appearance and image
- Philosophy of life
Sport, fitness, diets
Technology and mechanics
Data bases
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
For children
Microsoft Office
Development tools
Personal growth
Computer networks
Operational systems
Software testing
Mobile devices
Web development
Ovais Mehboob Ahmed Khan, John Callaway, Clayton Hunt, Rod Stephens
This Learning Path shows you how to create high performing applications and solve programming challenges using a wide range of C# features. You’ll begin by learning how to identify the bottlenecks in writing programs, highlight common performance pitfalls, and apply strategies to detect and resolve these issues early. You'll also study the importance of micro-services architecture for building fast applications and implementing resiliency and security in .NET Core. Then, you'll study the importance of defining and testing boundaries, abstracting away third-party code, and working with different types of test double, such as spies, mocks, and fakes. In addition to describing programming trade-offs, this Learning Path will also help you build a useful toolkit of techniques, including value caching, statistical analysis, and geometric algorithms. This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:• C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 High Performance by Ovais Mehboob Ahmed Khan• Practical Test-Driven Development using C# 7 by John Callaway, Clayton Hunt• The Modern C# Challenge by Rod Stephens
Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a methodology that helps you to write as little as code as possible to satisfy software requirements, and ensures that what you've written does what it's supposed to do. If you're looking for a practical resource on Test-Driven Development this is the book for you. You've found a practical end-to-end guide that will help you implement Test-Driven Techniques for your software development projects.You will learn from industry standard patterns and practices, and shift from a conventional approach to a modern and efficient software testing approach in C# and JavaScript. This book starts with the basics of TDD and the components of a simple unit test. Then we look at setting up the testing framework so that you can easily run your tests in your development environment. You will then see the importance of defining and testing boundaries, abstracting away third-party code (including the .NET Framework), and working with different types of test double such as spies, mocks, and fakes.Moving on, you will learn how to think like a TDD developer when it comes to application development. Next, you'll focus on writing tests for new/changing requirements and covering newly discovered bugs, along with how to test JavaScript applications and perform integration testing. You’ll also learn how to identify code that is inherently un-testable, and identify some of the major problems with legacy applications that weren’t written with testability in mind. By the end of the book, you’ll have all the TDD skills you'll need and you’ll be able to re-enter the world as a TDD expert!
TDD z wykorzystaniem C# 7. Programowanie sterowane testami
Coraz więcej profesjonalnych środowisk produkcyjnych opiera się na oprogramowaniu. Ewentualne błędy w pracy kodu mogą prowadzić do poważnych konsekwencji - dlatego od rozwiązań informatycznych wymaga się solidności i poprawności. Równocześnie oczekuje się wydajnego działania, skalowalności i podatności na modyfikacje, a także możliwości łatwego utrzymania kodu. Aplikacje utworzone zgodnie z paradygmatem TDD są w większym stopniu testowalne i zapewniają wysoki poziom poprawnej, stabilnej pracy. Sprawia to, że coraz więcej zespołów programistycznych skłania się ku TDD, mimo że zautomatyzowane testowanie bywa czasochłonne, pracochłonne i dość trudne w implementacji. To książka przeznaczona dla tych, którzy chcą dogłębnie zrozumieć istotę TDD. Omówiono tu wszystkie aspekty TDD, włączając w to podstawy, dzięki którym średnio zaawansowany programista komfortowo rozpocznie budowę aplikacji zgodnie z tym paradygmatem. Przedstawiono zasady definiowania i testowania granic, a także pojęcie abstrahowania kodu zewnętrznego. W książce pojawiają się też - wprowadzane stopniowo - bardziej zaawansowane koncepcje, takie jak szpiedzy, imitacje i fałszywki. Pokazano w niej, w jaki sposób za pomocą TDD można przekształcić wymagania i historie użytkownika w funkcjonującą aplikację. Sporo miejsca poświęcono pisaniu różnych rodzajów testów, również integracyjnych. Poszczególne koncepcje zostały zilustrowane praktycznymi fragmentami kodu napisanego w C# i JavaScripcie. W tej książce między innymi: koncepcje programowania sterowanego testami i przygotowanie środowiska do pracy różne podejścia do budowania aplikacji i sterowania testami poprawa elastyczności aplikacji i jej podatności na przyszłe modyfikacje TDD w warunkach zmieniających się wymagań rozwiązywanie problemów z kodem zastanym TDD: tak pracują najlepsi programiści!