Autor: Jolanta Pauk

Advances in biomedical engineering

Jolanta Pauk, Agnieszka Dardzińska-Głębocka, Piotr Mrozek, Zbigniew Oksiuta

Over the thirty years, as the discipline of biomedical engineering has evolved at the Bialystok University of Technology, it has become clear that it is a youthful and developing interdisciplinary field. Biomedical engineers provide innovative technological solutions for the medical industry by designing prosthetic limbs and artificial organs, the material that is used to manufacture them, and the software that's used for medical equipment. Although it is not possible to cover all of the biomedical engineering domains in this book, we have made an effort to focus on most of the major fields of activity in which scientists at Bialystok University Technology are engaged. The chapters throughout the book feature current research and developments in, for example, biomechanics, mechanobiology, design of medical structures, technical rehabilitation measures, modern engineering materials and their production, biomedical signal processing, acquisition and exploration of information from medical databases, and medical 3D printing. This book is dedicated to students of biomedical engineering and high school students interested in studying the interdisciplinary course of Biomedical Engineering. Our aim is to help young people understand the nature of biomedical engineering, which links engineering techniques with biological sciences and medicine to improve the quality of human health and well-being.


Aktualne problemy inżynierii biomedycznej. Prace młodych badaczy 2020

Szczepan Piszczatowski, Jolanta Pauk, Zbigniew Oksiuta (red.)

Niniejsza monografia stanowi przegląd rozwiązań będących przedmiotem prac młodego pokolenia inżynierów biomedycznych w ciągu ostatnich kilku lat. W obszarze zainteresowań znalazły się urządzenia diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne, rozwiązania materiałowe przeznaczone do zastosowań medycznych, badania numeryczne i eksperymentalne, a także zagadnienia z zakresu biochemii oraz diagnostyki obrazowej. Poszczególne rozdziały pozwalają zidentyfikować kierunek postępu technologii medycznej i rolę inżynierów biomedycznych jako członków zespołu opieki zdrowotnej, którzy poszukują nowych rozwiązań dla trudnych problemów współczesnego społeczeństwa.


Recent developments in biomedical engineering

Jolanta Pauk, Marcin Klekotka, Marta Borowska (ed.)

This monograph is designed to present the recent developments in the field of biomedical engineering. The content of the monograph presents the current research problems, which are described in 12 chapters focused on various topics ranging from biomaterials and biomechanics to artificial intelligence applications in various fields. We hope the readers find the monograph to be a captivating journey into the scientific world, where they immerse themselves in the themes explored within its pages.