Autor: Kerri Shotts

Instant PhoneGap Social App Development. Consume social network feeds and share social network content using native plugins and PhoneGap

Kerri Shotts

Social media integration in our apps is almost a requirement. Using Phonegap, some plugins, and JSON, we can create an app that consumes Twitter feeds and allows the user to share on Twitter.Instant PhoneGap Social App Development shows you how to create compelling mobile apps that integrate with social media based on Phonegap. The book will show you how to consume Twitter feeds and also share content to Twitter using Twitter Web Intents.Using code listings and easy steps, this book will guide you through the process of creating a Phonegap app, adding plugins, and using the Twitter API and Twitter’s web intents.You’ll learn how to install PhoneGap plugins so that you can extend the capabilities of your application. You’ll also be introduced to Twitter’s JSON API and Twitter’s Web Intents which allow the consuming of feed content and the posting of content to Twitter respectively. Along the way, you’ll also learn how to create a cross-platform mobile app that works on iOS and Android.


Mastering PhoneGap Mobile Application Development. Take your PhoneGap experience to the next level and create engaging real-world applications

Kerri Shotts, Kerri Shotts

PhoneGap is a useful and flexible tool that enables you to create complex hybrid applications for mobile platforms. In addition to the core technology, there is a large and vibrant community that creates third-party plugins that can take your app to the next level.This book will guide you through the process of creating a complex data-driven hybrid mobile application using PhoneGap, web technologies, and third-party plugins.A good foundation is critical, so you will learn how to create a useful workflow to make development easier. From there, the next version of JavaScript (ES6) and the CSS pre-processor SASS are introduced as a way to simplify creating the look of the mobile application. Responsive design techniques are also covered, including the flexbox layout module. As many apps are data-driven, you'll build an application throughout the course of the book that relies upon IndexedDB and SQLite. You'll also download additional content and address how to handle in-app purchases. Furthermore, you’ll build your own customized plugins for your particular use case. When the app is complete, the book will guide you through the steps necessary to submit your app to the Google Play and Apple iTunes stores.
