Autor: Mitesh Soni

Designing AWS Environments. Architect large-scale cloud infrastructures with AWS

Mitesh Soni, Wayde Gilchrist

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides trusted,cloud-based solutions to help you meet your business needs. Running your solutions in the AWS Cloud can help you get your applications up and running faster while providing the security to meet your compliance requirements. This book begins by familiarizing you with the key capabilities to architect and host applications, websites, and services on AWS. We explain the available options for AWS free tier with virtual instances and demonstrate how you can launch and connect them. Using practical examples, you’ll be able to design and deploy networking and hosting solutions for large deployments. Finally, the book focuses on security and important elements of scalability and high availability using AWS VPC, Elastic Load Balancing, and Auto scaling. By the end of this book, you will have handson experience of working with AWS instances,VPC, Elastic Load Balancing, and Auto scalingrelated tasks on Amazon Web Services.


DevOps Bootcamp. The fastest way to learn DevOps

Mitesh Soni

DevOps Bootcamp delivers practical learning modules in manageable chunks. Each chunk is delivered in a day, and each day is a productive one. Each day builds your competency in DevOps. You will be able to take the task you learn every day and apply it to cultivate the DevOps culture.Each chapter presents core concepts and key takeaways about a topic in DevOps and provides a series of hands-on exercises. You will not only learn the importance of basic concepts or practices of DevOps but also how to use different tools to automate application lifecycle management. We will start off by building the foundation of the DevOps concepts. On day two, we will perform Continuous Integration using Jenkins and VSTS both by configuring Maven-based JEE Web Application?. We will also integrate Jenkins and Sonar qube for Static Code Analysis. Further, on day three, we will focus on Docker containers where we will install and configure Docker and also create a Tomcat Container to deploy our Java based web application. On day four, we will create and configure the environment for application deployment in AWS and Microsoft Azure Cloud for which we will use Infrastructure as a Service and Open Source Configuration Management tool Chef. For day five, our focus would be on Continuous Delivery. We will automate application deployment in Docker container using Jenkins Plugin, AWS EC2 using Script, AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Jenkins Plugin, Microsoft Azure VM using script, and Microsoft Azure App Services Using Jenkins. We will also configure Continuous Delivery using VSTS. We will then learn the concept of Automated Testing on day six using Apache JMeter and URL-based tests in VSTS. Further, on day seven, we will explore various ways to automate application lifecycle management using orchestration. We will see how Pipeline can be created in Jenkins and VSTS, so the moment Continuous? Integration is completed successfully, Continuous Delivery will start and application will be deployed. On the final day, our focus would be on Security access to Jenkins and Monitoring of CI resources, and cloud-based resources in AWS and Microsoft Azure Platform as a Service.


DevOps for Web Development. Click here to enter text

Mitesh Soni

The DevOps culture is growing at a massive rate, as many organizations are adopting it. However, implementing it for web applications is one of the biggest challenges experienced by many developers and admins, which this book will help you overcome using various tools, such as Chef, Docker, and Jenkins. On the basis of the functionality of these tools, the book is divided into three parts. The first part shows you how to use Jenkins 2.0 for Continuous Integration of a sample JEE application. The second part explains the Chef configuration management tool, and provides an overview of Docker containers, resource provisioning in cloud environments using Chef, and Configuration Management in a cloud environment. The third part explores Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment in AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Docker, all using Jenkins 2.0.This book combines the skills of both web application deployment and system configuration as each chapter contains one or more practical hands-on projects. You will be exposed to real-world project scenarios that are progressively presented from easy to complex solutions. We will teach you concepts such as hosting web applications, configuring a runtime environment, monitoring and hosting on various cloud platforms, and managing them. This book will show you how to essentially host and manage web applications along with Continuous Integration, Cloud Computing, Configuration Management, Continuous Monitoring, Continuous Delivery, and Deployment.


Implementing DevOps with Microsoft Azure. Automate your deployments and incorporate the DevOps culture

Mitesh Soni

This book will teach you all about the Visual Studio Team Services and Microsoft Azure PaaS offerings that support Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment, and execution in the cloud with high availability, disaster recovery, and security.You will first be given a tour of all the concepts and tools that Microsoft Azure has to offer and how these can be used in situations to cultivate the DevOps culture. You’ll be taught how to use and manage Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and about the structure of the sample application used throughout the book. You will become familiar with the nitty gritty of Continuous Integration and Continuous Development with VSTS and Microsoft Azure Apps. You will not only learn how to create App service environments, but also how to compare Azure Web Apps and App Service Environments to deploy web applications in a more secure environment.Once you have completed Continuous Integration and created the Platform for application deployment, you will learn more about the final stepping stone in achieving end-to-end automation using approval-based Continuous Delivery and Deployment. You will then learn about Continuous Monitoring, using the monitoring and notification options provided by Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio Team Services.


Jenkins 2.x Continuous Integration Cookbook. Over 90 recipes to produce great results using pro-level practices, techniques, and solutions - Third Edition

Mitesh Soni, Alan Mark Berg

Jenkins 2.x is one of the most popular Continuous Integration servers in the market today. It was designed to maintain, secure, communicate, test, build, and improve the software development process.This book will begin by guiding you through steps for installing and configuring Jenkins 2.x on AWS and Azure. This is followed by steps that enable you to manage and monitor Jenkins 2.x. You will also explore the ways to enhance the overall security of Jenkins 2.x. You will then explore the steps involved in improving the code quality using SonarQube. Then, you will learn the ways to improve quality, followed by how to run performance and functional tests against a web application and web services. Finally, you will see what the available plugins are, concluding with best practices to improve quality.


Learning Azure Functions. Build scalable cloud systems with serverless architecture

Mitesh Soni, Manisha Yadav

Functions help you easily run small pieces of code in cloud with Azure functions without worrying about a whole application or the infrastructure to run it. With Azure functions, you can use triggers to execute your code and bindings to simplify the input and output of your code. This book will start with the basics of Azure Functions. You will learn the steps to set up the environment and the tools that we will be using in the further chapters. Once you have a better understanding of this, we will be creating our first hello world function app. Later you will be introduced to triggers, how they are used to activate a function, and how binding can be used to output results of a function.You will also explore the steps to create an assembly with complex functionality that can be used by functions. Next, this book will teach you to scale your functions and use them to process data, integrate systems, and build simple APIs and microservices. Finally, this book will cover some diagnostic techniques with Azure App services and best practices of working with Azure Functions. By the end of this book, you will be well-versed with the techniques of scaling your Azure functions and making the most of serverless architecture.


Practical AWS Networking. Build and manage complex networks using services such as Amazon VPC, Elastic Load Balancing, Direct Connect, and Amazon Route 53

Mitesh Soni

Amazon Web Services (AWS) dominates the public cloud market by a huge margin and continues to be the first choice for many organizations. Networking has been an area of focus for all the leading cloud service providers. AWS has a suite of network-related products which help in performing network related task on AWS.This book initially covers the basics of networking in AWS. Then we use AWS VPC to create an isolated virtual cloud for performing network-related tasks. We then provide an overview of AWS Direct Connect after taking a deep dive into scalability and load balancing using the auto scaling feature, Elastic Load Balancing, and Amazon Route S3. Toward the end of the book, we cover troubleshooting tips and security best practices for your network. By the end of this book, you will have hands-on experience of working with network tasks on AWS.