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Atlassian's JIRA provides issue tracking and project tracking for software development teams to aid speed of development and quality of code. This book will show you how to develop software more efficiently by planning, designing, and customizing your own JIRA implementation.JIRA is a popular issue tracking product designed for better bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management. JIRA 5.2 Essentials provides a comprehensive guide covering everything you will need to plan, set up, design, customize, and manage your software development projects efficiently and to a professional standard.In this practical book you will learn how to design and implement JIRA for project and issue tracking. You will jump into the installation and design of JIRA before going through the required techniques to effectively manage issues that threaten your software development project.Each chapter builds on the last, taking you through important concepts and techniques such as business processes and workflows, setting up e-mail notifications, field and screen management, and reporting. Using these techniques you will be able to make JIRA adapt to your organization and save time and energy by developing software more efficiently.Newly improved and updated to JIRA 5.2 this book also includes a section about GreenHopper and Agile development with JIRA.
JIRA 7 Administration Cookbook, Second Edition covers all the new major features that provide better prioritizingcapabilities, enhanced visibility, and the ability to customize JIRA application to meet your needs. We startby upgrading your existing JIRA instance and working through tasks you can perform at the server level to bettermaintain it. We then delve deep into adapting JIRA to your organization's needs, starting with the visual elements of setting up custom forms to capturing important data with custom fields and screens, and moving on to ensuringdata integrity through defining field behaviors. You'll gain insights into JIRA's e-mail capabilities, including managing outgoing e-mail rules and processing incoming e-mails for automated issue creation. The book contains tips and tricks that will make things easier for you as administrators, such as running scripts to automate tasks, getting easy access to logs, and working with tools to troubleshoot problems. The book concludes with a chapter on JIRA Service Desk, which will enable you to set up and customize your own support portal, work with internal teams to solve problems, and achieve optimized services with SLA.
JIRA 7 Essentials. Click here to enter text. - Fourth Edition
Atlassian JIRA is an enterprise-issue tracker system. One of its key strengths is its ability to adapt to the needs of the organization, ranging from building Atlassian application interfaces to providing a platform for add-ons to extend JIRA's capabilities.JIRA 7 Essentials, now in its fourth edition, provides a comprehensive explanation covering all major components of JIRA 7, which includes JIRA Software, JIRA Core, and JIRA Service Works.The book starts by explaining how to plan and set up a new JIRA 7 instance from scratch for production use before moving on to the more key features such as e-mails, workflows, business processes, and so on. Then you will understand JIRA's data hierarchy and how to design and work with projects in JIRA. Issues being the corner stone of using JIRA, you will gain a deep understanding of issues and their purpose. Then you will be introduced to fields and how to use custom fields for more effective data collections. You will then learn to create new screens from scratch and customize it to suit your needs. The book then covers workflows and business processes, and you will also be able to set up both incoming and outgoing mail servers to work with e-mails. Towards the end, we explain JIRA's security model and introduce you to one of JIRA’s new add-ons: JIRA Service Desk, which allows you to run JIRA as a computer support portal.
Jira is a project management tool used widely by organizations to plan, track, and release software. Jira administrators are at the heart of these processes and need to know how to successfully administer and customize Jira offerings. This updated Jira 8 Administration Cookbook demonstrates how to efficiently work with Jira Core and Jira Service Desk.The book starts with a variety of recipes to help you manage users and workflows. You'll learn how to set up custom forms and capture important data with custom fields and screens. Next, you'll gain insights into the latest email capabilities, which will assist you with everything from managing outgoing email rules to processing incoming emails for automated issue creation. Later, you'll be guided through running scripts to automate tasks, getting easy access to logs, and even working with tools to troubleshoot problems. The book will also ensure you understand how to integrate Jira with Slack, set up SSO with Google, and delegate administrator permissions. Finally, a dedicated section on Jira Service Desk will enable you to set up and customize your own support portal, work with internal teams to solve problems, and achieve optimized services with Service Level Agreement (SLA).By the end of this book, you'll have the skills you need to extend and customize your Jira implementation effectively.
Atlassian Jira enables effective bug tracking for your software and mobile applications and provides tools to track and manage tasks for your projects. Jira Essentials is a comprehensive guide, now updated to Jira 8 to include enhanced features such as updates to Scrum and Kanban UI, additional search capabilities, and changes to Jira Service Desk.The book starts by explaining how to plan and set up a new Jira 8 instance from scratch before getting you acquainted with key features such as emails, workflows, business processes, and much more. You'll then understand Jira's data hierarchy and how to design and work with projects.Since Jira is used for issue management, this book delves into the different issues that can arise in your projects. You’ll explore fields, including custom fields, and learn to use them for more effective data collection. You’ll create new screens from scratch and customize them to suit your requirements. The book also covers workflows and business processes, and guides you in setting up incoming and outgoing mail servers. Toward the end, you’ll study Jira's security model and Jira Service Desk, which allows you to run Jira as a support portal.By the end of this Jira book, you will be able to implement Jira 8 in your projects with ease.
This new and improved sixth edition comes with the latest Jira 8.21 Data Center offerings, with enhanced features such as clustering, advanced roadmaps, custom field optimization, and tools to track and manage tasks for your projects. This comprehensive guide to Jira 8.20.x LTS version provides updated content on project tracking, issue and field management, workflows, Jira Service Management, and security.The book begins by showing you how to plan and set up a new Jira instance from scratch before getting you acquainted with key features such as emails, workflows, and business processes. You’ll also get to grips with Jira’s data hierarchy and design and work with projects. Since Jira is used for issue management, this book will help you understand the different issues that can arise in your projects. As you advance, you’ll create new screens from scratch and customize them to suit your requirements. Workflows, business processes, and guides on setting up incoming and outgoing mail servers will be covered alongside Jira’s security model and Jira Service Management. Toward the end, you’ll learn how Jira capabilities are extended with third-party apps from Atlassian marketplace.By the end of this Jira book, you’ll have understood core components and functionalities of Jira and be able to implement them in business projects with ease.