Autor: Rajesh Gunasundaram

ASP.NET Web API Security Essentials. Take the security of your ASP.NET Web API to the next level using some of the most amazing security techniques around

Rajesh Gunasundaram

This book incorporates the new features of ASP.NET Web API 2 that will help you to secure an ASP.NET Web API and make a well-informed decision when choosing the right security mechanism for your security requirements.We start by showing you how to set up a browser client to utilize ASP.NET Web API services. We then cover ASP.NET Web API’s security architecture, authentication, and authorization to help you secure a web API from unauthorized users. Next, you will learn how to use SSL with ASP.NET Web API, including using SSL client certificates, and integrate the ASP.NET Identity system with ASP.NET Web API.We’ll show you how to secure a web API using OAuth2 to authenticate against a membership database using OWIN middleware. You will be able to use local logins to send authenticated requests using OAuth2. We also explain how to secure a web API using forms authentication and how users can log in with their Windows credentials using integrated Windows authentication. You will come to understand the need for external authentication services to enable OAuth/OpenID and social media authentication. We’ll then help you implement anti-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) measures in ASP.NET Web API.Finally, you will discover how to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in your web API application.


CORS Essentials. Access web resources on different domains

Randall Goya, Rajesh Gunasundaram

This book explains how to use CORS, including specific implementations for platforms such as Drupal, WordPress, IIS Server, ASP.NET, JBoss, Windows Azure, and Salesforce, as well as how to use CORS in the Cloud on Amazon AWS, YouTube, Mulesoft, and others. It examines limitations, security risks, and alternatives to CORS. It explores the W3C Specification and major developer documentation sources about CORS. It attempts to predict what kinds of extension to the CORS specification, or completely new techniques, will come in the future to address the limitations of CORSWeb developers will learn how to share code and assets across domains with CORS. They will learn a variety of techniques that are rather similar in their method and syntax. The book is organized by similar types of framework and application, so it can be used as a reference. Developers will learn about special cases, such as when a proxy is necessary. And they will learn about some alternative techniques that achieve similar goals, and when they may be preferable to using CORS


Expert Angular. Build deep understanding of Angular to set you apart from the developer crowd

Rajesh Gunasundaram, Mathieu Nayrolles, Alexandru Vasile Pop, Sridhar Rao Chivukula

Got some experience of Angular under your belt? Want to learn everything about using advanced features for developing websites? This book is everything you need for the deep understanding of Angular that will set you apart from the developer crowd.Angular has introduced a new way to build applications. Creating complex and rich web applications, with a lighter resource footprint, has never been easier or faster. Angular is now at release 4, with significant changes through previous versions. This book has been written and tested for Angular release 4.Angular is a mature technology, and you'll likely have applications built with earlier versions. This book starts by showing you best practices and approaches to migrating your existing Angular applications so that you can be immediately up-to-date. You will take an in-depth look at components and see how to control the user journey in your applications by implementing routing and navigation. You will learn how to work with asynchronous programming by using Observables.To easily build applications that look great, you will learn all about template syntax and how to beautify applications with Material Design. Mastering forms and data binding will further speed up your application development time. Learning about managing services and animations will help you to progressively enhance your applications. Next you’ll use native directives to integrate Bootstrap with Angular. You will see the best ways to test your application with the leading options such as Jasmine and Protractor. At the end of the book, you’ll learn how to apply design patterns in Angular, and see the benefits they will bring to your development.


Learning Angular 4 for .NET Developers. Develop dynamic .NET web applications powered by Angular 4

Rajesh Gunasundaram

Are you are looking for a better, more efficient, and more powerful way of building front-end web applications? Well, look no further, you have come to the right place! This book comprehensively integrates Angular version 4 into your tool belt, then runs you through all the new options you now have on hand for your web apps without bogging you down. The frameworks, tools, and libraries mentioned here will make your work productive and minimize the friction usually associated with building server-side web applications.Starting off with building blocks of Angular version 4, we gradually move into integrating TypeScript and ES6. You will get confident in building single page applications and using Angular for prototyping components. You will then move on to building web services and full-stack web application using ASP.NET WebAPI. Finally, you will learn the development process focused on rapid delivery and testability for all application layers.