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Adobe Photoshop Elements is a raster graphics editor for entry-level photographers, image editors, and hobbyists. Updated and improved to cover the latest features of Photoshop Elements 2020, this second edition includes focused coverage of Adobe's new AI-powered features that are designed to make the editing process more efficient, creative and fun.This book takes you through the complexities of image editing in easy-to-follow, bite-sized chunks, helping you to quickly recognize the editing challenge at hand and use suitable tools and techniques to overcome it. You’ll start by learning how to import, organize, manage, edit, and use your pictures in a format that’s designed for creative photography projects. Throughout this Adobe Photoshop Elements book, you'll discover how to fix different photographic problems using an extensive repertoire of commonly applied solutions. Common processes such as applying artistic effects to creative projects, custom image makeovers, processing images for social media, and other file export methods will also be covered.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned about the impressive tools available in Photoshop Elements 2020, and how it is designed not only for photographers who’d like to dip their toes into the editing world, but also for those wanting simple but effective ideas on how to expand their creativity while remaining time-efficient.
Managing thousands of images while producing perfectly edited results is now a must-have skill for online bloggers, influencers, vloggers, social media users, and photography enthusiasts. Photoshop Elements helps you to manage this easily and boost your creative output.This third edition is updated with Elements 2021’s latest features and focuses on Adobe's AI-powered features along with the entire creative workflow. Each chapter is designed to help you get the most out of your image files in an easy way. You’ll learn how to add significant visual improvements to your work using no more than a few one-click edits with AI-driven features and manual adjustments. The book is filled with useful instructions to guide you seamlessly through the often complex processes, tools, and features in Photoshop Elements. Finally, you’ll cover everything from developing your organizational skills through to creating remarkable special effects, complex text, image combinations, and eye-popping visual techniques using both AI-driven features as well as manually operated tools.By the end of this Photoshop Elements book, you'll have learned how to leverage the impressive tools available in Photoshop Elements 2021, and use them to greatly improve your photo editing and image retouching skills.
Managing thousands of images while producing perfectly edited results has now become a must-have skill for bloggers, influencers, all social media users, and photography enthusiasts.Photoshop Elements 2022 has all the right tools to help you manage your growing multimedia assets and significantly boost your creative output.This fourth edition is updated with Elements 2022's latest features, including Adobe's AI-powered tools that perfectly complement its entire creative workflow. Each chapter is designed to help you get the most from your image files in a simple, easy-to-follow way. You'll find out how to add significant visual improvements to your projects using brilliant AI-driven single-click edits or through more complex manual adjustments, all depending on your skill level and requirements. The book is packed with clear instructions to guide you effortlessly through the hundreds of processes, tools, and features in Photoshop Elements 2022. You'll cover everything from developing your organizational skills through to creating remarkable images using photos, text, graphics, downloadable content, animation, and a range of fantastic AI-driven features.By the end of this Photoshop Elements book, you'll have learned how to leverage the impressive tools available in Photoshop Elements 2022 with confidence.
Produce impressive, high-quality pictures to influence your audience, grow your brand, and market your products and services.With its impressive range of sophisticated creative capabilities, Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023 is all you need to create photos you’ll love to share. Elements 2023 extends its AI capabilities by simplifying complex editing processes. Learn to stitch widescreen panoramas, remove people from backgrounds, de-focus backgrounds, re-compose images, and even create a range of calendars and greeting cards for your friends and family.The fifth edition of this widely acclaimed series will help you master photo-editing from scratch. Start by learning basic edits such as auto tone correction, image resizing and cropping, then master contrast, color, sharpness, and clarity.Take your prowess to the next level by learning how to correct optical distortion, re-shape images, exploit layers, layer masking, and sharpening techniques—create the perfect picture or imaginative fantasy illustration. You’ll also learn the online realms of animation, video creation, and third-party plug-ins.By the end of this book, you'll learn how to leverage the incredible features of Photoshop Elements 2023 with complete confidence.Note: All the images featured in the book can be easily downloaded via a direct link or from the GitHub repository link specified in the Preface.
Dive into the world of digital photo editing with this latest edition, crafted by Robin Nichols, a seasoned photographer and digital imaging expert, which brings the latest Photoshop Elements 2024 to your fingertips. With a unique blend of in-depth tutorials and practical applications, this book is an essential resource for photographers at all levels.It introduces new features like Dark Mode, Match Color, and Photo Reels, along with advanced techniques like layering and artistic effects. The book also addresses common user feedback from previous editions, ensuring a refined and user-friendly experience. Elements 2024 extends its AI capabilities by simplifying complex editing processes. Learn to stitch widescreen panoramas, remove people from backgrounds, de-focus backgrounds, re-compose images, and even create a range of calendars and greeting cards for your friends and family.Take your prowess to the next level by learning how to correct optical distortion, re-shape images, exploit layers, layer masking, and sharpening techniques—create the perfect picture or imaginative fantasy illustration. You’ll also learn the online realms of animation, video creation, and third-party plug-ins.By the end of this book, you'll learn how to leverage the incredible features of Photoshop Elements 2024 with complete confidence.
Adobe Photoshop Elements is a raster graphics editor for entry-level photographers, image editors, and hobbyists. Though it shares many of Photoshop CC's high-end features, it also boasts a significant number of simple to use, yet highly effective tools not found at the professional level.This book presents the complexities of image editing in easy-to-follow, bite-sized chunks, allowing you to quickly recognize the editing challenge, and helps you to identify the tools and techniques required to make improvements, and to apply those techniques quickly and efficiently. You will start by learning how to import, organize, manage, edit, and use your pictures in a format that's designed for creative photography projects. Going further, you'll discover how to fix a wide range of photographic problems based on the book's extensive repertoire of commonly applied solutions. You'll be escorted through a wide range of common processes that include applying artistic effects to creative projects, custom image makeovers, processing images for social media, and other file export methods.Towards the end of the book, you will understand what the most important tools and features actually do in Photoshop Elements, answering the often-asked question; What, when, and where would you use these features in a precise and practical way.