Autor: Roy Rockwood

Bomba the Jungle Boy

Roy Rockwood

Separated from his parents since childhood, Bomba lived far back in the jungles of the Amazon with a half-demented naturalist who told the lad nothing of his past. The jungle boy was a lover of birds, and hunted animals with a bow and arrow and his trusty machete. He had a primitive education in some things, and his daring adventures will be followed with breathless interest by thousands. Bomba the Jungle Boy is a series of American boys adventure books produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate under the pseudonym Roy Rockwood. There are 20 books in the series. The first ten are set in South America, where Bomba, who grew up in the jungle, tries to discover his origin. The second set of ten books shift the scene to Africa, where a slightly older Bomba has jungle adventures. A highly entertaining literature being written for young readers in post-dime-novel America.


Bomba, the Jungle Boy Among the Slaves

Roy Rockwood

Years of tough jungle living made Bomba the most powerful hunter around. At 14, he possessed the strength of three men, and could fight the most powerful jungle beasts with little more than a knife. With his extraordinary throwing arm, he could bury a knife up to its hilt in any enemy within fifty yards. His phenomenally strong arms allow him to send an arrow over impossibly long distances while still striking his targets with perfect accuracy. Bomba the Jungle Boy Among The Slaves continues the exciting adventures of Bomba as he seeks to learn the details of his family and heritage. Tarzan wasnt the only fellow out there in the jungle. Bomba the Jungle Boy attracted readers for his various adventures that featured authentic jungle lore and swift-moving plots.


Bomba, the Jungle Boy and the Abandoned City

Roy Rockwood

Bomba the Jungle Boy in the Abandoned City is the fifth book in a series of American boys adventure books produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate under the pseudonym Roy Rockwood, published in the first half of the 20th century. Various sources say the author was Howard R. Garis, or John William Duffield. Roy Rockwood is a pen name. Bomba and his native-Indian companion must descend into the bowels of a buried Inca citadel; through pitch-blackness they must negotiate steep cliffs and volcanic fumes to track down a babbling medicine-man and his army of minions. The worst hazard is navigating a huge pit swarming with snakes; by edging their way along a parapet only inches wide; at any moment a snake may dart its head out of a crevice and sink its fangs into their flesh!


Bomba, the Jungle Boy and the Moving Mountain

Roy Rockwood

This is the second book in the Bomba the Jungle Boy series following Bomba the Jungle Boy. It is a series of adventure books produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate between 1926 and 1938 in a youthful imitation of the highly successful Tarzan series by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Bomba is kind of a mixture of Tarzan and Mowgli. He is an orphaned boy who lives in the jungle. A common theme of the Bomba books is that Bomba, because he is white, has a soul that is awake, while his friends, the dark-skinned natives, have souls that are sleeping. In this case he has to rescue some white travelers from a band of headhunters and other dangers, and at the same time try to investigate his heritage and discover who his parents were. Strongly recommended this book for every teenager who wants to discover the exciting world of reading adventure fiction and for their parents!


Bomba, the Jungle Boy at the Giant Cataract

Roy Rockwood

In this volume the reader is taken into the depth of the jungle where he meets Bomba in a life replete with thrilling situations. You meet Cody Casson, the old naturalist, and the White Hunters, Jake Dorn and Ralph Gillis who gives Bomba a Harmonica, matches, and revolver for saving their lives. The old naturalist gives him a hint of his father and his mother, and Bomba sets off to solve the mystery of his identity. He treks through the Amazon jungle to the Island of Snakes to find an old witch who may know the secret of his origins. From Moving Mountain Bomba travels to the Giant Cataract, still searching out his parentage. Among the Pilati Indians he finds some white captives. He finds, too, an aged woman who had at one time been a great operatic singer, and she is the first to give Bomba real news of his forebears.


Bomba, the Jungle Boy in the Swamp of Death

Roy Rockwood

The ongoing adventures of the courageous Bomba the Jungle Boy! In Swamp of Death, Bomba wants to return to Gonibobos camp to reclaim the pages of Japazys notebook that were torn out there. Bomba and Gibo had barely escaped the cannibals but Bomba is determined to retrieve the torn pages. Swamp of Death is a fast-moving read, an exciting narrative of Bombas many heroic exploits. It moves and reads like a comic book. Lacking the visual element, the book focuses on vivid descriptions of Bombas rippling muscles and superior strength. With such amazing strength, it is no wonder that Bomba was willing to embark on a mission that would have been certain death for anyone else. The Bomba books always include cheerleader characters who rapturously voice their astonishment and amazement every time Bomba performs a feat of strength and courage.


Bomba, the Jungle Boy on Jaguar Island

Roy Rockwood

After escaping from the headhunters village, Bomba brings Casson and Sobrinini to stay at his friend Pipinas after which Sobrinini reveals vital information to Bomba about his family and tells of a man, Japazy, who hated Bombas father as well as Cody Casson. She tells Bomba to seek out Japazy on Jaguar Island to learn more. He begins his journey to find Japazy... Lacking the visual element, the book focuses on vivid descriptions of Bombas rippling muscles and superior strength. Bomba, the Jungle Boy on Jaguar Island? 4 in the Bomba series, by Roy Rockwood, was published in 1927. Roy Rockwood, the author, was a house pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate for boys adventure books, many of the Bomba books being ghostwritten by John William Duffield (1859 1946).


Bomba, the Jungle Boy on Terror Trail

Roy Rockwood

Bomba, the Jungle Boy on Terror Trail? 6 in the Bomba series, by Roy Rockwood, was published in 1928. Bomba is making the treacherous journey back to his home with the Araos tribe. On the way, he encounters poisonous plant life and battles snakes and alligators. Surviving these natural enemies, he is attacked by cannibals but is rescued by Spaniards in a plane. Bombas luck doesnt hold out, though; he is soon recaptured and now faces a terrible death at the hands of cannibals and their blood-thirsty chief Gonibobo. It is an exciting story of a journey filled with dangers: human, beast, and even plant life. The fearless jungle boy takes them all on and emerges the victor every time. A highly entertaining literature being written for young readers in post-dime-novel America.