Автор: Sherwin John C.Tragura
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Building Python Microservices with FastAPI. Build secure, scalable, and structured Python microservices from design concepts to infrastructure

Sherwin John C.Tragura

FastAPI is an Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI)-based framework that can help build modern, manageable, and fast microservices. Because of its asynchronous core platform, this ASGI-based framework provides the best option when it comes to performance, reliability, and scalability over the WSGI-based Django and Flask. When working with Python, Flask, and Django microservices, you’ll be able to put your knowledge to work with this practical guide to building seamlessly manageable and fast microservices.You’ll begin by understanding the background of FastAPI and learning how to install, configure, and use FastAPI to decompose business units. You’ll explore a unique and asynchronous REST API framework that can provide a better option when it comes to building microservices. After that, this book will guide you on how to apply and translate microservices design patterns in building various microservices applications and RESTful APIs using the FastAPI framework.By the end of this microservices book, you’ll be able to understand, build, deploy, test, and experiment with microservices and their components using the FastAPI framework.

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Spring 5.0 Cookbook. Recipes to build, test, and run Spring applications efficiently

Sherwin John C.Tragura

The Spring framework has been the go-to framework for Java developers for quite some time. It enhances modularity, provides more readable code, and enables the developer to focus on developing the application while the underlying framework takes care of transaction APIs, remote APIs, JMX APIs, and JMS APIs. The upcoming version of the Spring Framework has a lot to offer, above and beyond the platform upgrade to Java 9, and this book will show you all you need to know to overcome common to advanced problems you might face.Each recipe will showcase some old and new issues and solutions, right from configuring Spring 5.0 container to testing its components. Most importantly, the book will highlight concurrent processes, asynchronous MVC and reactive programming using Reactor Core APIs. Aside from the core components, this book will also include integration of third-party technologies that are mostly needed in building enterprise applications. By the end of the book, the reader will not only be well versed with the essential concepts of Spring, but will also have mastered its latest features in a solution-oriented manner.

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Spring MVC Blueprints. Design and implement real-world web-based applications using the Spring Framework 4.x specification based on technical documentation

Sherwin John C.Tragura

Spring MVC is the ideal tool to build modern web applications on the server side. With the arrival of Spring Boot, developers can really focus on the code and deliver great value, leveraging the rich Spring ecosystem with minimal configuration.Spring makes it simple to create RESTful applications, interact with social services, communicate with modern databases, secure your system, and make your code modular and easy to test. It is also easy to deploy the result on different cloud providers.This book starts all the necessary topics in starting a Spring MVC-based application. Moving ahead it explains how to design model objects to handle file objects. save files into a data store and how Spring MVC behaves when an application deals with uploading and downloading files. Further it highlights form transactions and the user of Validation Framework as the tool in validating data input. It shows how to create a customer feedback system which does not require a username or password to log in. It will show you the soft side of Spring MVC where layout and presentation are given importance. Later it will discuss how to use Spring Web Flow on top of Spring MVC to create better web applications. Moving ahead, it will teach you how create an Invoice Module that receives and transport data using Web ServicesBy the end of the book you will be able to create efficient and flexible real-time web applications using all the frameworks in Spring MVC.