Autor: Shilpi Saxena

Practical Real-time Data Processing and Analytics. Distributed Computing and Event Processing using Apache Spark, Flink, Storm, and Kafka

Shilpi Saxena, Saurabh Gupta

With the rise of Big Data, there is an increasing need to process large amounts of data continuously, with a shorter turnaround time. Real-time data processing involves continuous input, processing and output of data, with the condition that the time required for processing is as short as possible.This book covers the majority of the existing and evolving open source technology stack for real-time processing and analytics. You will get to know about all the real-time solution aspects, from the source to the presentation to persistence. Through this practical book, you’ll be equipped with a clear understanding of how to solve challenges on your own.We’ll cover topics such as how to set up components, basic executions, integrations, advanced use cases, alerts, and monitoring. You’ll be exposed to the popular tools used in real-time processing today such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink, and Storm. Finally, you will put your knowledge to practical use by implementing all of the techniques in the form of a practical, real-world use case.By the end of this book, you will have a solid understanding of all the aspects of real-time data processing and analytics, and will know how to deploy the solutions in production environments in the best possible manner.


Real-Time Big Data Analytics. Design, process, and analyze large sets of complex data in real time

Sumit Gupta, Shilpi Saxena

Enterprise has been striving hard to deal with the challenges of data arriving in real time or near real time.Although there are technologies such as Storm and Spark (and many more) that solve the challenges of real-time data, using the appropriate technology/framework for the right business use case is the key to success. This book provides you with the skills required to quickly design, implement and deploy your real-time analytics using real-world examples of big data use cases.From the beginning of the book, we will cover the basics of varied real-time data processing frameworks and technologies. We will discuss and explain the differences between batch and real-time processing in detail, and will also explore the techniques and programming concepts using Apache Storm.Moving on, we’ll familiarize you with “Amazon Kinesis” for real-time data processing on cloud. We will further develop your understanding of real-time analytics through a comprehensive review of Apache Spark along with the high-level architecture and the building blocks of a Spark program. You will learn how to transform your data, get an output from transformations, and persist your results using Spark RDDs, using an interface called Spark SQL to work with Spark.At the end of this book, we will introduce Spark Streaming, the streaming library of Spark, and will walk you through the emerging Lambda Architecture (LA), which provides a hybrid platform for big data processing by combining real-time and precomputed batch data to provide a near real-time view of incoming data.