Autor: Wojciech Załuski

Between Philosophy and Science

Michał Heller, Bartosz Brożek, Wojciech P. Grygiel, Łukasz Kurek, ...

A ground-breaking collection of essays which tackles the philosophical issues at play in cosmology, physics, mathematics and neuroscience. Considering topics such as the presence of ontology in cosmological theory and physics, it also weighs up the philosophical issues connected with mathematical method, the neuroscience of emotions and evolutionary anthropology. Contributions also feature on structuralism in the Platonic philosophy of science and the issue of knowledge and faith. A must for anyone interested in the philosophy of science.


Game Theory in Jurisprudence

Wojciech Załuski

Game theory is a branch of mathematics which studies strategic interactions, i.e., interactions which involve more than one agent and in which each agent makes her decision while striving to predict the decisions of other agents. Game theory has been successfully applied in many areas of both the natural and social sciences, and it is the belief of this book’s author – Wojciech Załuski – that it can also be gainfully invoked in the area of legal philosophy. In this book, Załuski analyzes such legal-philosophical concepts as legal interpretation, justice, legal rights, contract, tort and property law through the lens of game theory. Since the book does not assume any previous knowledge of game theory, it appeals mainly to its conceptual rather than the technical side, and intertwines game-theoretical analysis with the philosophical, it will be accessible to a wider circle of readers interested in legal and moral philosophy.


Philosophy in Neuroscience

Bartosz Brożek, Wojciech P. Grygiel, Łukasz Kurek, Wojciech Załuski, ...

A collection of essays dealing with the fundamental issues in neuroscience from methodological and philosophical perspectives. The Reader will learn about the methodological difficulties connected with the use of neuroscientific experiments in philosophical argumentation and about the nature of scientific explanation in neuroscience. In addition, the collection includes case studies of several issues lying at the intersection of neuroscience and philosophy such as: theory of mind, self-consciousness, self-deception, depression and morality.


Przeciw rozpaczy. O tragicznej wizji świata i sposobach jej przezwyciężania

Wojciech Załuski

 Uważna refleksja nad kondycją człowieka doprowadziła wielu myślicieli do wniosku, że jej najbardziej charakterystycznym rysem jest tragiczność. Poczucie tragiczności egzystencji było szczególnie intensywne wśród starożytnych Greków epoki przedklasycznej, którzy dali mu ponadczasowy wyraz w poematach Homeryckich, zwłaszcza w Iliadzie. Czy jednak przekonanie o tragiczności życia jest uzasadnione? Czy rzeczywiście istnieją przekonywujące racje za tak gorzką oceną ludzkiej egzystencji? Książka nie próbuje dostarczyć jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na to pytanie; jest ono osobiste, by nie powiedzieć intymne – z rodzaju tych, z którymi każdy musi zmierzyć się samodzielnie i uzyskaną odpowiedź zachować dyskretnie dla siebie, nie próbując do niej przekonywać innych. Może jednak do pewnego stopnia pomóc w systematycznej refleksji nad tym zagadnieniem.


The Emotional Brain Revisited

Bartosz Brożek, Łukasz Kurek, Wojciech Załuski, Mateusz Hohol, ...

A collection of essays which tackles various issues at play in the current neuroscientific, psychological and philosophical research on emotions. The authors discuss such topics as the role of amygdala in the emergence of emotions, the place of the affect within the psychological construction of the agent, insights from the research on emotions in animals or the relation between emotions, rationality, morality, and law. Furthermore, various conceptual controversies underlying the empirical studies on emotions are considered.


The Many Faces of Normativity

Bartosz Brożek, Anna Brożek, Wojciech Załuski, Mateusz Hohol, ...

A collection of essays which deal with the issue of normativity from various theoretical perspectives. The Reader will learn how such phenomena as linguistic and mathematical rules, as well moral and legal norms, are explained in philosophy, psychology, neuroscience and linguistics. In addition, a discussion of the naturalistic fallacy is included.