Автор: Edgar Wallace
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John Flack. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Acht bis an die Zähne bewaffnete Männer von Scotland Yard bewachen einen Transport von 73000 Pfund Sterling. Aber der Geldtransporter mit Geld und seine Bewacher verschwindet auf der Straße von London nach Tilbury. Nach dem mysteriösen Verschwinden fehlt jede Spur. As wirklich geschehen?

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Kate Plus Ten

Edgar Wallace

This is the story of a young female criminal mastermind who leads a gang in a series of exceptionally daring and very profitable robberies but works as secretary to keep her cover story intact. When she picks up information from her boss, an aristocrat, the police soon suspect her of wrongdoing. But she meets a handsome police officer who very much against her will softens her hearts. She and the gang become alienated from one another. Naturally she just has something in her system, which eventually is found to be eradicable, as you will discover when you reach the end of this exciting book.

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Killer Kay

Edgar Wallace

Killer Kay is one of the mystery story from collection which includes the following short stories by Edgar Wallace, a famous British author of mystery genre: The Business-Woman, Blue Suit, Battle Level, The Air Taxi, The Convenient Sea, The Vamp and the Librarian, Thieves Make Thieves. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual mystery scheme and a little romance. Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular British writer of mystery thrillers. Today, Wallace is still popular in Great Britain. His impact has been greatly felt in the German motion-picture industry, where many of his books were made into excellent screen thrillers.

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Klub der Vier

Edgar Wallace

Es handelt sich dabei weniger um einen richtigen Roman als vielmehr einige Kurzgeschichten, die durch eine gemeinsame Rahmenhandlung verbunden sind. Die Geschichten handeln vom aufgeweckten Versicherungsdetektiv Robert Brewer, der immer dann herangeholt wird, wenn es gilt, die reichen Kunden (und damit die Versicherung selbst auch) vor Vermögensschäden jeglicher Art zu schützen. Mehrere Fälle von Betrug, Diebstahl und Einbruch, verbunden durch eine gemeinsame Rahmenhandlung, werden von dem aufgeweckten Detektiv Robert Brewer aufgedeckt oder verhindert. Dabei reicht die Bandbreite der Fälle von Bob Brewer von Diebstahl und Einbruch bis zu ehrgeizigem Betrug. Als cleveres Kerlchen durchschaut er jedoch die Tricks der Gauner im Handumdrehen und verhindert ihre Coups.

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Edgar Wallace

Dieses Buch ist eine Sammlung von Edgar Wallace schönsten Geschichten: Der Fall Stretelli, Das Diamantenklavier, Doktor Kay, Der Selbstmörder, Indizienbeweis. Edgar Wallace hat zeigte einmal mehr seine Fähigkeiten als großer Schriftsteller.

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Lieutenant Bones

Edgar Wallace

Wallace was a prolific author responsible for several series of popular novels featuring bold adventurers and crime fighters. For his series set in the highly evocative world of West Africa he created two of his most beloved and enduring characters, Colonial Administrator Sanders and his eccentric companion Lieutenant Tibbetts, known to all as Bones. However, yet again, the trouble-prone Bones, while meaning to assist, only manages to spread his own unique style of innocent and endearing mischief. Those who love classic adventure especially set against an African backdrop will discover a rich vein of reading pleasure in the six books of the Colonial adventures of Sanders and Bones set on the Dark Continent.

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Major Haynes of the Secret Service

Edgar Wallace

Major Haynes of the Secret Service is a fine series of Wallace stories about wartime espionage. During the First World War Edgar Wallace wrote a number of morale-boosting tales about the skill and derring-do of the British military and intelligence services, mostly in the form of series published under such titles as Tam o the Scoots, Companions of the Ace High, and Clarence-Private. Several series were published in the form of dramatic pseudo-documentary accounts of what he claimed to be true stories. Three espionage series in this category are known to have been published in British newspapers. Two of these featured an intelligence agent by the name of Major Haynes and made their first appearance in the Dundee paper Thomsons Weekly News.

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Małpa z tykwą

Edgar Wallace

Wykwintny dżentelmen James Lexington Morlake siada przy swoim wysmakowanym biurku. Drżącą ręką sięga do szuflady, z której wyjmuje kolejno: fragment czarnego jedwabiu, pistolet automatyczny i pas cienkiej skóry. To początek trzymającej w napięciu opowieści, której akcja przenosi się z Londynu początku dwudziestego wieku do egzotycznego Tangeru. W 1945 roku Mutz Greenbaum as Max Greene nakręcili na kanwie książki film "The Man from Morocco".