Autor: Jules Verne

The Pearl of Lima. A Story of True Love

Jules Verne

This is a short romantic romance. The Pearl of Lima one of the lesser-known works of Verne, and for good reason. This is one of his short novels, with a very simplified plot lovers with crossed stars and a very sharp ending. This book is romantic and intended for those who love classic prose.


The Survivors of the Chancellor. Diary of J.R. Kazallon, Passenger

Jules Verne

The book Chansler. The Diary of a Passenger by J.-R. Casallon Jules Verne is based on real events, which gives her great interest. The theme of sea voyage of ships is one of the leading ones in the authors novels. On one of the cargo ships there was a fire of cotton, the crew and passengers were forced to build a raft and leave the ship, which was no longer rescue. The whole novel is dedicated to the misfortunes of the surviving people, whose fate is not at all enviable.


The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras

Jules Verne

"The Forward Brig" sailed from Liverpool Port with eighteen crew members on board. But neither during the sailing, nor even for a long time after him, none of them knew the purpose of the voyage, nor even the name of the captain. And only having plunged far into the Arctic waters, the sailors learned that the famous navigator John Hatteras, who set the ambitious task of becoming the first person to reach the North Pole, was leading the expedition.



Jules Verne

In the story, the heroes of one of his most famous books about a trip to the moon, enterprising Americans, gather again to use their huge guns. But for what? In order for the recoil from the cannon to make the Earth bend a little, so that some lands are in other latitudes, warmer. The world community is concerned about this venture and is sluggishly opposing.


Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Jules Verne

This time, the author pays attention to marine life. And how beautiful this world is! How many colors are hidden under the water column, how many mysteries, to which you can add the mysteries of the disappeared ships. So, in addition to an excursion into the animal world, the reader gets some idea of historical events, in particular geographical discoveries, from the end of the 18th to the middle of the 19th centuries.


Un billet de loterie

Jules Verne

Le theme principal de luvre est lhistoire touchante de lamour romantique dun homme et dune femme vivant en Norvege. Ils sappellent Gulda Hansen et Ole Camp. Ole va nager apres les fiançailles et Gulda reste dans son village natal, Telemark Daal. Ole écrit une lettre sa mariée dans laquelle il mentionne la richesse quil apporte avec lui. Gulda commence sinquiéter pour son fiancé.


Un capitaine de quinze ans

Jules Verne

Tout a commencé comme ça. Léquipage voulait aller chasser la baleine. Plus tard, ils ont vu le navire en train de couler. Au début, tout le monde pensait quil ny avait personne en vie. Mais tout coup il y avait un chien. Léquipage a décidé de la sauver. Ils ont trouvé cinq autres Noirs.


Un drame en Livonie

Jules Verne

Un drame en Livonie est un roman de Jules Verne dont le theme principal est la confrontation de deux partis au conseil municipal de Riga: le parti slave, soutenu principalement par les couches inférieures de la population le prolétariat et la paysannerie et le allemand, la noblesse et la grande bourgeoisie, et la lutte sociale et politique de la population locale contre la domination des barons de lOstsee est liée une intrigue criminelle.