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This is another great novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim, the prolific English novelist who was in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction including thrillers and spy novels, and who wrote over a 100 of them. David Newberry is released from Wandsworth prison having served a year for burglary. He was briefly a member of The Lambs, a London gang run by Tottie Green, with the help of the beautiful, coarse, but alluring Belle. Vowing revenge, Newberry buys a gym and assembles and trains a crew of willing fighters using the techniques of Juiy Jitsu which he learned from Asians while in Australia. Oppenheim provides a mystery of another sort!
The Little Gentleman from Okehampstead
The Little Gentleman from Okehampstead is a collection of connected stories about Mendel Honeywood, a diminutive insurance agent who skips out on his family and his hometown of Okehampstead, Massachusetts, and arrives in England, without a cent, to enter into a life of crime. He meets up with James Van Clarence Smith, disinherited scion of the wealthy American millionaires, and Lady Felicia Lakenham, upper-class, with a very small income. These three engage in somewhat shady adventures in the art world, politics, and international finance, as they seek to make their fortunes. Its all great fun and Oppenheim keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did. If you havent discovered the joys of Oppenheims mysteries there is a good place to start.
This is another collection of short stories by Edward Phillips Oppenheim, the prolific English novelist who was in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction including thrillers and spy novels, and who wrote over a 100 of them. He was the self-styled prince of storytellers, generally regarded as the earliest writer of spy fiction as we know it today, and invented the Rogue Male school of adventure thrillers. His plotting is as smooth as silk, with the virtue of creating believable characters of genuine sophistication and wit. This book is a revenge story with each chapter describing how Mannister takes care of the different people who wronged him. Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining.
Captain Austen Rotherby is on a mission of revenge in Paris and chances upon Louis, the head waiter of his favorite restaurant. Bored, he follows Louis to a shady café where he spots a pair hes long been intrigued by a South American gentleman and a young girl. Because of certain complications, Captain Rotheby finds himself forced to leave Paris, only to find himself travelling with the aforementioned gentleman, Mr. Delora, and his niece, Felicia. Arriving in London, Mr. Delora falls ill and excuses himself, leaving Captain Rotheby to take care of Felicia. They install themselves at the Milan Hotel, where Louis works, and waits for Mr. Delora, who seems to have vanished into thin air...
Captain Jan Henderson master of the cargo ship Henrietta Anne trading between London and Holland is working with mysterious conspirators (Sir Gregory Fawsitt and Lady Judith Martellon) to smuggle goods from Holland to London. His deck boy, David, falls in love with Judy, a pretty dancer. When Anthony Loman, an haggard traveler, staggers up the stairs of the tenement house at Bunters Buildings, Judy listens while he is flung to his death. As Police Sergeant Sanders investigation draws closer to the truth, will the killers be brought to justice? The Magnificent Hoax is a novel of drug-smuggling with yacht cruises to the Orient, Scotland Yard, aristocratic beauties and Londons waterfront.
This 1907 novel was one of the early popular novels of society by E. Phillips Oppenheim. The story revolves around the conflict between a gentlemans obligation to defend the honor of a lady, and his responsibility to his own feelings, family, and freedom. Sir Wingrave, imprisoned wrongfully for killing a man, finishes his sentence and plans his vengeance against those who would not tell the truth to help him during his trial. He becomes misanthropic, seeking only revenge. He wishes to be a malefactor, doing only evil. His class, upbringing, and social ties all mitigate his evil. A young journalist, enamored with the thought of spending time with a man with such a history, offers himself as a secretary. Does Sir Wingrave succeed in taking his vengeance? Does his secretary betray him or help him?
A best-selling author of novels, short stories, magazine articles, translations, and plays, Oppenheim published over 150 books. He is considered one of the originators of the thriller genre, his novels also range from spy thrillers to romance, but all have an undertone of intrigue. The Man and His Kingdom is set in an imaginary South American Republic. The hero is a benevolent English millionaire and ex-Member of Parliament who, after many adventures, marries the Presidents beautiful daughter and attempts to rules in his stead. It is a brilliant, nervous, intensely dramatic tale of love, intrigue, and revolution in a South American State. If you have a fondness for early 20th century adventure you should find this to be an entertaining read.
Cruelly betrayed by the testimony of Reuben Argels, his business partner and close friend, Moran Chambers is sentenced to 10 years in Sing Sing Prison. Haunted by the feeling that Chambers will exact revenge, Argels flees on the next boat to London, where he finds their third partner, the dour Scotchman Andrew Pulwitter, and Morans mistress, the lovely actress Ambouyna Kotinzi. Argels finds success in London, but is all the while haunted by the thought when will Chambers wreak his revenge? It presents a fascinating picture of the frenzy which possessed financial markets at the beginning of the Roaring 30s with the twists and turns of the story.