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Przypadek Charlesa Dextera Warda
Joshep Curven to tajemniczy alchemik i kabalista, który w XVIII wieku przeniósł się do Providence z Salem - miasta czarownic. Z jakiegoś powodu postanowiono zatuszować wszelkie informacje na jego temat. Półtora wieku później na trop mężczyzny wpada Charles Dexter Ward. Bohater odkrywa, że z tajemniczym czarnoksiężnikiem łączą go więzy krwi. Dochodzenie prawdy pogłębia rozwijający się u Charlesa obłęd. Dobry wybór dla miłośników opowiadań grozy w stylu Edgara Allana Poe czy Stefana Grabińskiego.
The Call of Cthulhu is the story of a man who uncovers evidence of otherworldly beings residing in a state of hibernation deep beneath the surface of the Earths oceans. Though the image of Cthulhu is by no means original, as it is heavily borrowed from Scandinavian lore among other sources, Lovecrafts descriptionsin this case of a basrelief carved in its likenessare still nothing short of chilling. It is the only story written by Lovecraft in which the extraterrestrial entity Cthulhu himself makes a major appearance. The story is written in a documentary style, with three independent narratives linked together by the device of a narrator discovering notes left by a deceased relative. Considered as the father of contemporary horror fiction, H. P. Lovecraft shows exquisite details in The Call of Cthulhu that perfectly denote his cosmic indifferentism beliefs and takes advantages of his imaginative universe filled with immense entities to demonstrate how weak humans really are.
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
Despite being a horror story about necromancers, mutated creatures and summoning rituals, The Case of Dexter Ward is at its heart a cautionary tale about knowledge. As the story progresses, the full extent of Charles Dexter Wards madness is slowly revealed until the evil of the past seems ready to burst into the present with horrific consequences. Charles Dexter Ward is the scion of a well established Providence family who begins investigating esoteric matters and discovers that an ancestor, Joseph Curwen, was killed by a terrified town when they discovered his unhallowed necromantic studies. Here Lovecraft used all his talent to freak all his readers with a diabolic scheme filled with a frightful environment full of madness! The main character has discovered through Joseph Curwens manuscripts (An ancient resident involved with macabre subjects) some obscurities of the underworld. The more he gets involved with those things, the more he changes in a queer and sinister way. All the facts about the terrible deeds of Mr. Curwen and Charless insane behavior are described step by step by a third person (Charless doctor, Mr. Willett).
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath and Other the Randolph Carter Stories
The Dream Quest is one of his most significant stories. This is the bridge and the key to his two greatest periods and his most revealing personal work. This complex fantasy of a dream, which strangely brought the protagonist closer to the solution. Lovecraft stories are full of nightmares ruled by evil gods.
Master of horror writes a story of true forces of evil. There are six short stories that comprise this edition of The Dunwich Horror. The story beats a lot of modern writers in prose, characters and plot. The story started of well and gave us a spooky small village setting with the odd family of a Grandfather, deformed Albino mother and inhuman grandson and the strange events surrounding his birth and precocious development. Wilbur matures at an abnormal rate, reaching manhood within a decade all the while indoctrinated him into dark rituals and witchcraft by his grandfather. And above all, theres the mysterious presence in the farmhouse, unseen but horrifying, which seems to be growing... The Dunwich Horror follows the tragic events in Dunwich when Wilbur Whateley delves into dark occult practices with deadly repercussions.
A novel told in first person by a human abducted mind,describing the world of the ancient alien strange civilization,a world of amazing colossal partial underground costructions that persisted buried for eons. The Shadow Out of Time is the story of Professor of Economics Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee who faints one day in the middle of a lecture and regains consciousness five years later only to find that heor some entity inhabiting his bodyhas been pursuing eccentric researches in the obscure libraries and remote places of the world. The Nathaniel of those five years acted strange, knew foreign and dead languages, travelled to weirdest places, researched the strangest things and talked to various cult leaders. Eventually his journey ends in the outback of Australia, amid cavernous ruins and terrifying revelations.
The Shadow Over Innsmouth follows a nameless narrator touring New England for information on his family, and studying the local architecture. The story describes a man who finds himself stranded in a half-deserted town with strange inhabitants. They look human mostly, but there is something odd about their eyes and their behavior. He meets the town drunk, Zadok Allen, who tells him the terrifying history of the town, about Devil Reef and mutant humanoids, sea gods, gold, and human sacrifice. When the narrator finds himself stranded in town overnight, he comes face to face with the towns horrifying secret... one not of this world... A story about the horror that could turn to wonder, the once perceived abyss is afterwards seen as the most fascinating destiny, and what was at first avoided at all costs is eventually embraced with open arms.
The Thing on the Doorstep is a short story written by H.P. Lovecraft, part of the Cthulhu Mythos universe of horror fiction. Daniel Upton, the storys narrator, begins by telling that he has killed his best friend, Edward Derby, and that he hopes his account will prove that he is not a murderer. He begins by describing Derbys life and career. Daniel Uptons relationship with his friend Edward Derby is abruptly changed after Edward becomes romantically involved with Asenath Waite. Asenaths father Ephraim dabbled in forbidden sorcery, and it looked like Asenath was following in her dads footsteps, performing mysterious occult experiments that caused Derby to become more and more unhinged... As Edwards behavior becomes more erratic and events unexplainable, Daniel investigates. There are two more prominent themes in The Thing on the Doorstep: mind-switching and gender.