Autor: J.S. Fletcher

The Kang-He Vase

J.S. Fletcher

The main character is Ben, a trainee lawyer who survived a difficult childhood and was cured of his illness. However, from childhood into his life, a malevolent uncle climbs. He asks the main character to plant him. At night, they hear a scream, on arrival they see a dead stranger. Can uncle be guilty of this?


The Mill House Murder

J.S. Fletcher

It tells about the murder of James Martenroyd, the owner of the Yorkshire mill, who was going to marry a second time. Suddenly, his body is found near his own house. Under suspicion is his nephew. Why was his door so carefully shut? There are many questions that need to be solved.


The Secret of the Barbican and Other Stories

J.S. Fletcher

The protagonist is a wonderful lawyer who was born in a small town. Advocates visits the museum and notices rare moenty. And realizes that they were stolen. He immediately goes to investigate... and the trail of a thief leads him to rather unusual places...


The Solution of a Mystery

J.S. Fletcher

One of the main characters, Richard Redford, is charged with murder. His life was threatened with death if he did not confess. But he chose such a point of view that he would have nothing to say to anyone. His indecision to speak causes bewilderment to others. Should a hero accept death with honor or not broken promises?


Where Highways Cross

J.S. Fletcher

Outside the city of Sycaster, they found small villages. In the villages themselves, the observant traveler often finds traces of old houses, which, no doubt, were picturesque and calculated in those times when agriculture was preferred to coal mining. In these villages, there is something secretive that will have to razgodat.