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Flower Fables is Louisa May Alcotts first book, penned at 16. She created the fanciful stories for the amusement of the daughter of a family friend, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Miss Alcott loved and was well acquainted with flowers, insects, birds and animals of the meadows and forest. From these beauties she spun adventures of enchanting natures woodland fairies, telling them to children of friends and others. Each fable has a moral of sorts, a captivating way to inspire children to selfless, gentle, loving behavior. Readers meet a cast of elves, fairies, brownies and sprites with such Shakespearean names as Willy Wisp, Moonbeam and Thistledown, and the children who occasionally dally with them. Thinly disguised morality lessons told in an over-upholstered style, they instruct the audience in the importance of various virtues. This is a nice collection of fairy tales that is sure to please young readers and the adults reading to them alike.
Boże Narodzenie, Gwiazdka, Wigilia - już od samego brzmienia tych słów spływa na nas ukojenie. Chcemy, by tych parę dni w roku było naprawdę cudownych. Potrzebujemy tego, niezależnie od naszych przekonań religijnych. Biały stół, opłatek, prezenty - także pisarze chętnie sięgają po te motywy dodając do znanych symboli swoją wyobraźnię, by świąteczne dni stały się jeszcze piękniejsze.
Gwiazdka. Opowieści ilustrowane
Boże Narodzenie, Gwiazdka, Wigilia - już od samego brzmienia tych słów spływa na nas ukojenie. Chcemy, by tych parę dni w roku było naprawdę cudownych. Potrzebujemy tego, niezależnie od naszych przekonań religijnych. Biały stół, opłatek, prezenty - także pisarze chętnie sięgają po te motywy dodając do znanych symboli swoją wyobraźnię, by świąteczne dni stały się jeszcze piękniejsze.
Jack and Jill. A Village Story
Louisa May Alcott, more famously known for her Little Women series, takes a familiar nursery rhyme and creates a whole novel out of it in one of her last books Jack and Jill: A Village Story. The story follows the lives of two 13-year-old neighbors, Jack and Jill, in the fictional Harmony Village. They go sledding on the first day of the season whereupon their adventurous natures and competitiveness get the better of them. After sledding down a particularly treacherous slope, both are seriously injured. Patience and sweetness of temperament arent Jack and Jills strong suits, and both struggle at times to control their tempers. Luckily they have the influence of their sweet mothers and a group of steadfast friends to show them the virtues of patience and fill their days with the joys of Christmas preparations, a theatrical production and many other imaginative events. As an early forerunner of the tough love philosophy of child rearing, Jack and Jill is indeed an interesting and entertaining read.
Jos Boys and How They Turned Out
Better known for her novels Little Women and Little Men, Louisa May Alcott continued the story of her feisty protagonist Jo in this final novel chronicling the adventures and misadventures of the March family. It is the only Alcott novel that has not had a film adaption. Originally published in 1886, two years before Ms. Alcotts death, Jos boys follows the lives of the young men readers came to love and cherish in its prequel. In it, we learn the fates of Jos sons Rob and Teddy, along with the other boys at Plumfield Estate School. Each boy must learn to deal with death, love, heartbreak, disappointment and the consequences of their actions. Entertaining, surprising, and overall a joy to read, Jos boys is nevertheless shaded by a bittersweet tone, for with it Alcott brought her wonderful series to an end.
Kittys Class Day and Other Stories
Originally published under the title Proverb Stories in 1882 by Louisa May Alcott, this collection of sweet stories with a high moral tone includes: Kittys Class Day, Aunt Kipp, Psyches Art, A Country Christmas, On Picket Duty, The Barons Gloves, My Red Cap, and What the Bells Saw and Said. Using different characters in each story, she has portrayed various aspects of life brilliantly. It is a collection with lots of moralistic and didactical ideas. Using proverbs as heading for her stories she has presented profoundly didactic tales. Louisa May Alcott was an American novelist who, in the mid-1860s, wrote passionate, fiery novels and sensational stories. She also produced wholesome stories for children, and after their positive reception, she did not generally return to creating works for adults. Alcott continued to write until her death.
Les Quatre Filles du docteur Marsch
Guerre civile américaine en Amérique. Le Dr March a rejoint larmée du Nord, ne laissant que sa femme et ses quatre filles, quatre surs aux tempéraments et aux passions opposés. Meg est sentimentale, Beth aime la musique, Joe est la fois un garçon manqué et un écrivain novice.
Little Men. Or, Life at Plumfield With Jos Boys
Now married, the warm-hearted and fiesty Jo Bhaer (nee March) couldnt be happier. Jo, along with her husband Professor Friedrich Bhaer, operates the Plumfield Estate School, an unconventional school based on individuality and diversity. Plumfield is a haven for poor orphans which is attended by 12 adopted boy and Jos own two sons. Although Plumfield is a place of trust and warmth, the boys occasionally struggle to maintain good manners. Personal relationships are key to the school, as well as to the novel, and the lovable characters get up to plenty of scrapes and adventures, but in the end, even the troublesome among them find redemption in the love and support of the extended March family. Little Men, or Life at Plumfield with Jos Boys is the delightful unofficial sequel to Louisa May Alcotts Little Women, which is completed with Alcotts 1886 novel Jos Boys, and How They Turned Out: A Sequel to Little Men.