Autor: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Tanglewood Tales

Nathaniel Hawthorne

This is a fun collection, the second of Hawthorne, Greek myths slightly rethought and retold for children. These are famous stories with a rather friendly perception. Antey has some friends who are called pygmies, but it seems that their height is about six inches. But they are going to avenge him after Hercules killed him, and Big X good-naturedly accepts the loss. Theseus still kills the Minotaur, although the beast seems to be a kind of miserable soul, but does not leave Ariadne rather, she refuses to leave her father, despite all his flaws.


The Blithedale Romance

Nathaniel Hawthorne

A group of people is a powerful mixture of competing ambitions, and its idealism finds little satisfaction in agriculture. Instead of changing the world, Blithedale community members individually follow selfish paths that ultimately lead to tragedy. Hawthornes tale simultaneously mourns and saturates a rural idyll, not unlike the history of America in the 19th century as a whole.


The Dolliver Romance

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Dr. Dolliver, a worthy character of great antiquity. A persons desire for an immortal existence, an attempt to satisfy which would be stated in various ways: first, through the selfish old sensualist, Colonel Dabni, who greedily grabbed the mysterious elixir and took his draft so that he died on the spot; then, through the plain old Grandir, longing to live for Pansy; and, perhaps, through Pansy herself, who, having come to enjoy some kind of ennobling love, would like to defeat death so that she can always maintain the perfection of her worldly happiness all these forms of desire to be united are higher, a play of shadows that should direct our mind to true immortality outside of this world.


The Great Stone Face and Other Tales of the White Mountains

Nathaniel Hawthorne

In The Great Stone Face, Hawthorne compares different types of human activity. Most of them are aimed at finding success in society. But Hawthorne believes that the success of the Finnish businessman or general, who turned military affairs into a means of his personal career, or a clever politician who is uncleanly making his way to power, is an imaginary success. Even the poet, the creator of beautiful works of art, still retains a lot of vicious individualism and self-love, and only the humble young man Ernst, who devoted his life to serving people, selflessly doing good, won the favor of the author he gives preference to him and his selfless altruism proclaims the ideal of human life.


The House of the Seven Gables

Nathaniel Hawthorne

In the novel The House of the Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne, one of the founders of American literature, once again, after a series of short stories and the famous Scarlet Letter, addresses the Puritan past and present of his homeland, New England. Legends and legends from national and family history, animated by the authors fantasy on Gothic themes, add up to the chronicle of the age-old confrontation of two families, which is implicated in greed, perjury and a tribal curse and which can only stop the love of young heroes...


The Marble Faun. Or, The Romance of Monte Beni

Nathaniel Hawthorne

At the center of the novel is a group of four characters. These are two young American artists, Hilda and Kenyon, who were brought to Rome by a thirst to comprehend the secrets of art, and their friends the artist Miriam and the young Donatello, who are introduced into this circle not by a passion for art, but by love for Miriam. Everyone is struck by the similarity of the count with the famous statue of Praxiteles, depicting a faun. Most importantly, this similarity is not limited to external similarity: traits dominate in the depiction of his image, beyond which the innocence of a creature unaware of the existence of evil is revealed.


The Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Amazingly conveyed the characters of the era and characters, suffering and atonement, sin and clogging of society. The plot of the story is simple a married woman, whose husband has been absent for two years, gives birth to a child. In Puritan society, where the concept of "personal life" does not exist, the people are in deep shock from what happened, but mercifully decides not to kill the woman, but to punish with shame. The letter "A" now shines on her chest.


The Snow-Image and Other Tales

Nathaniel Hawthorne

A warm fairy tale for any age. One winter evening, parents saw that an unfamiliar girl was playing with their children in the yard. Rejoicing, they decided to invite the girl to tea despite the assurances of the children that she was afraid of heat more than anything...