Autor: O. Henry

The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories of the Four Million

O. Henry

The Trimmed Lamp follows The Four Million and provides another series of twenty-five short stories that take place in New York City in the early years of the 20th century and are representative of the surprise endings that popularized O. Henrys work. Contents: A Madison Square Arabian Night, The Rubaiyat of a Scotch Highball, The Pendulum, Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen, The Assessor of Success and others. Stories of the lives of blue collar workers and middle class with endings that can turn the whole story on its ear. Born in 1862 and died in 1910, O. Henrys birth name is William Sydney Porter; however, he adopted the pen name O. Henry while in prison. He published 10 collections and over 600 short stories during his lifetime. The Trimmed Lamp by O. Henry is a classic by one of Americas most loved and respected authors, a great addition to the collection.


The Voice of the City. Further Stories of the Four Million

O. Henry

O. Henry is most widely recognized for his stories dry wit, plot twists and surprise ending. But another major element in his fiction is his love of the American urban environment, as well as a keen appreciation of the rapid diversification that occurred in many cities in the early twentieth century. In The Voice of the City, O. Henry uses excellently written short stories and high vocabulary to convey a sense on New York. This collection brings together an array of tales about humble people trying to survive in a major metropolis. The author has created a myriad of heroes and heroines to serve as guides to this large city. It is full of some funny, some far reaching, and some heartwarming stories of life that make you smile.



O. Henry

Settle in for a whimsical, thoroughly enjoyable whirlwind tour through the prodigious imagination of American short-story master O. Henry. When he wrote the following, he may have discounted his own creativity. Whirligigs, comprised of 24 short stories and published in 1910, is evidence of this. O. Henry writes of love and loss, of mystery and drama, of journalism and murders and trials. He creates a tapestry of characters, young and old, wealthy and poor. It offers some of his best short stories; complete with quirky characters, witty romps with clever twists and surprise endings. If you love classic O. Henry stories like The Gift of the Magi and have been curious about the rest of this beloved authors body of work, Whirligigs is a great place to start.