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The Hound of the Baskervilles - a novel by Arthur Conan Doyle, a British writer and medical doctor. He created the characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. The Sherlock Holmes stories are considered milestones in the field of crime fiction. Dr James Mortimer calls on Sherlock Holmes in London for advice after his friend Sir Charles Baskerville was found dead in the yew alley of his manor on Dartmoor in Devon. The death was attributed to a heart attack, but according to Mortimer, Sir Charles's face retained an expression of horror, and not far from the corpse the footprints of a gigantic hound were clearly visible. According to an old legend, a curse runs in the Baskerville family since the time of the English Civil War, when Hugo Baskerville abducted and caused the death of a maiden on the moor, only to be killed in turn by a huge demonic hound. Allegedly the same creature has been haunting the manor ever since, causing the premature death of many Baskerville heirs. Sir Charles believed in the plague of the hound and so does Mortimer, who now fears for the next in line, Sir Henry Baskerville.
The Hound of the Baskervilles. Illustrated Edition
Holmes and Watson are faced with their most terrifying case yet. The legend of the devil-beast that haunts the moors around the Baskerville families home warns the descendants of that ancient clan never to venture out in those dark hours when the power of evil is exalted. Now, the most recent Baskerville, Sir Charles, is dead and the footprints of a giant hound have been found near his body. Will the new heir meet the same fate in The Hound of the Baskervilles ?
The Hound of the Baskervilles. Pies Baskervilleów. English-Polish Edition
<p>Book in two language versions: English and Polish. (Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych polskiej i angielskiej.) Such bilingual editions are primarily intended for people learning a foreign language and / or improving their language skills. The native text makes it easier to understand the content of the work in a foreign language. It is especially useful when the reader has difficulty understanding the plot or dialogues in the language they are learning or wants to improve their translation skills.</p><p>Holmes and Watson are faced with their most terrifying case yet. The legend of the devil-beast that haunts the moors around the Baskerville families home warns the descendants of that ancient clan never to venture out in those dark hours when the power of evil is exalted. Now, the most recent Baskerville, Sir Charles, is dead and the footprints of a giant hound have been found near his body. Will the new heir meet the same fate in The Hound of the Baskervilles?</p>
The Hound of the Baskervilles. Pies Baskerville'ów - publikacja w języku angielskim i polskim
Bilingual publication - publikacja dwujęzyczna We would like to offer you a bilingual publication, in English and Polish. It allows you both to read the original text, published for the first time in English in 1902, and at the same time to have a look on one of its first translations – an unforgettable version proposed by Eugenia Żmijewska. Additionally, the original, irreplaceable and over 100 years old illustrations of Sidney Paget are definitely worth highlighting. The novel acquaints us with the cult figure of Sherlock Holmes and his simple-minded friend, doctor Watson. The characters have enriched mythology of the Western world and have won recognition and acclaim of the readers for over a hundred years. „The Hound of the Baskervilles” is one of the most popular novels from the series of stories about the clear-sighted detective who tries to shed light on unexplained assassinations or even to prevent them. The book introduces us to dark secrets of the Baskervilles’ family and to the curse hanging over them for years. It also tells the story of a monstrous dog which seems to be a killer wandering about the nearby meadows. The successors of the Baskerville’s wealth die in mysterious circumstances, one after another, and the reader allows himself to be captured by this course of events. Proponujemy Państwu publikację dwujęzyczną – angielską i polską. Pozwala ona czytać tekst oryginalny, wydany po raz pierwszy w języku angielskim w roku 1902, a także zapoznać się z jednym z najlepszych jego tłumaczeń – niezapomnianą wersją zaproponowaną przez Eugenię Żmijewską. Zdecydowanie warte uwagi są również oryginalne, niezastąpione, liczące przeszło 100 lat ilustracje Sidneya Pageta. Powieść zapoznaje nas z kultową postacią detektywa Sherlocka Holmesa oraz z jego prostodusznym przyjacielem , doktorem Watsonem. Postaci te wzbogaciły mitologię świata zachodniego i cieszyły się uznaniem i sympatią czytelników przez przeszło sto lat. „The Hound of the Baskervilles” to jedna z najpopularniejszych opowieści z cyklu historii mówiących o przenikliwym detektywie wyjaśniającym zbrodnie lub starającym się im zapobiec. Książka wprowadza nas w mroczne tajemnice rodziny Baskerville’ów, klątwy ciążącej nad rodem oraz opowiada historię monstrualnych rozmiarów psa – zabójcy krążącego po okolicznych łąkach. W tajemniczych okolicznościach giną kolejni spadkobiercy majątku Baskerville'ów, a czytelnik daje się porwać biegowi wypadków.
Heavily influenced by Doyles growing belief in Spiritualism after the death of his son, brother, and two nephews in World War I, the book focuses on Edward Malones at first professional, and later personal interest in Spiritualism. This is the third and last novel in the Professor Challenger series, and is a marked departure from the previous tales. Professor Challenger and Malone return for the adventure, this time exploring the spiritual world. Malone, along with Challengers daughter Enid, starts investigating spiritualist meetings for his newspaper. Initially a skeptic, he soon discovers that the spiritualists are right. But can he convince Professor Challenger of the same thing?
The Last of the Legions and Other Tales of Long Ago
This volume includes two novels, The Shadow of a Great Man and The Tragedy with Corosco, as well as historical stories. The Romans, who conquered Britain several hundred years ago, received orders to return to their homeland, besieged by barbarian troops. And at that moment a British deputation came to the Roman governor to ask for self-government.
The restless, questing intellect of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle spurred him far beyond the ingenious puzzles he constructed for Sherlock Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyles The Lost World focuses on a story about an expedition in the South American Rainforest, leading its four protagonists on a plateau which seems to surround a world believed to be long-gone. Professor Challenger is the one defending his findings, Professor Summerlee is the skeptic, and there are two unbiased observers: the guide, Lord John Roxton, and a reporter Ned Malone, who also servers as the Narrator of the story. Confronted with dinosaurs like pterodactyls, iguanodons or stegosaurus, our main characters have to solve many difficult or even dramatic situations, and its one enjoyable thing to read it. Originally published in 1912, this imaginative fantasy unfolds with humor and good-natured satirical eye for pedantry.
The Lost World - a novel by Arthur Conan Doyle, a British writer and medical doctor. He created the characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. The Sherlock Holmes stories are considered milestones in the field of crime fiction. It is a novel concerning an expedition to a plateau in the Amazon basin of South America where prehistoric animals still survive. The character of Professor Challenger was introduced in this book. The novel also describes a war between indigenous people and a vicious tribe of ape-like creatures.