Автор: Leo Tolstoy
Eлектронна книга

The Live Corpse. A Play in Six Acts

Leo Tolstoy

In the play The Living Corpse, the famous Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy appears as a playwright. It is filled with intense psychological collisions, complex images of heroes, ambiguous and with that vitally revealed throughout the whole story. And, as always, the themes of love, kindness and human destiny are in the foreground. The play is based on real events, it was popular at the beginning of the 20th century, when it was translated into foreign languages, put on stages, filmed.

Eлектронна книга

The Power of Darkness. A Drama in Five Acts

Leo Tolstoy

The very concept of The Power of Darkness for Tolstoy corresponds to the Gospel, where darkness is identified with the concept of hell and death, and light with hope and paradise. The Power of Darkness expresses not only religious, but also philosophical ideas of the great Russian writer. Darkness is the moral blindness of people who commit a crime in order to satisfy the most base motives. The power of The Power of Darkness for Tolstoy is the tragedy of hopelessness, a heavy chain of sins that entangle a person. But The Power of Darkness is also the path to moral regeneration through repentance.

Eлектронна книга

War and Peace

Leo Tolstoy

War and Peace is not just a classic novel, but a real heroic epic, the literary value of which is not comparable to any other work. The writer himself considered it a poem, where the private life of a person is inseparable from the history of the whole country. Events and impressions from a peaceful life do not leave characters during the war, on the contrary, they come to life more strongly in their souls. War for them is a test of the importance and significance of man. The bearers of true heroism in Tolstoys novel were ordinary people.

Eлектронна книга

What Men Live By and Other Tales

Leo Tolstoy

A small work describes the whole life, the meaning of all life on this Earth. The point is that people live by God, people love, they have a heart, they live not for their needs, not for their own good. And it simply struck the appearance, the rebuke of the Angel, how he watched everything, how he smiled at the hearty people who have faith. As a person blossoms after doing good, and faith becomes even stronger.

Eлектронна книга


Leo Tolstoy

This work is about how black stripes always alternate with white. About how a child learns his mind, for the first time experiences one of the most terrible events of his life the death of his mother, about how he first feels one of the most beautiful and bright feelings his first love, about how he feels affection, grief. In the first part, we begin our acquaintance with the family of Nicholas, as well as himself. Here we will see all the joyful and sad events of his childhood, get acquainted with his brothers, parents, grandmother. We will also be able to observe how Nikolai will overcome grievances, tears. We will become his faithful and invisible friend.