Author: R. Austin Freeman

The DArblay Mystery

R. Austin Freeman

In this novel, Dr. Thorndyke builds a card house of wild speculations to solve a perplexing murder case, astonishing all observers, including the police. The victim is Julius D Arblay, an artist highly skilled at the rare French art of making wax-work figures and portrait masks. DArblay has a beautiful daughter, which leads to a romance with a young Dr. Grey who discovers the fathers body and brings the case to Dr. Thorndykes attention. Before the end of the story, the young doctor and his love will each have survived two murder attempts by an increasingly frantic killer. There are lots of great scenes: stalking scenes, vicious attacks on Dr. Gray and Marion with various weapons, a sinister scene in a dense yellow London fog, a humorous exhumation of a dead man of dubious identity, and very funny vignettes with a tippler of an old doctor advising Gray on how to handle troublesome patients. Thorndykes lovable lab assistant Polton has a starring role in this novel.


The Exploits of Danby Croker

R. Austin Freeman

What would you do if your doppelganger were committing crimes and making the police believe you were the perpetrator? In Danby Crokers case, he decides to retaliate! But that is only one of the problems besetting him in this set of interlinked stories. Given a job as an antique dealer, can he resist the temptations of earning some easy money through a bit of fencing and counterfeiting? And what on earth is he doing going round London dressed as a suffragette?! R. Austin Freemans The Exploits of Danby Croker involves mistaken identities, art forgery, antique swindles, and even a little cross-dressing. There is a price to be paid for breaking the law, but whos going to pay it? Originally written in 1911 by the great author of detective stories R. Austin Freeman, this is a comic novel that may surprise those who know Freemans work only through the Dr. Thorndyke stories! This rare collection of stories is an enjoyable romp through crime and romance.


The Eye of Osiris

R. Austin Freeman

The Eye of Osiris, published in 1911, was the second of R. Austin Freemans many Dr. Thorndyke mystery novels. Here the great expert in medical jurisprudence will encounter the mysteries of ancient Egypt without ever leaving London. The cast of characters is rich in Egyptologists. A wealthy old man, John Bellingham, collector of Egyptian antiquities, has disappeared without a trace. His brother is also an Egyptologist, as is his niece and the lawyer who executed his will. Circumstances strongly suggest that the old man is dead, and innocent people may be accused of murder. Happily Dr. Thorndyke gets involved quite by chance. The plot is tremendously clever, and the denouement a total surprise. The great strength of the novel lies in the plotting which is ingenious enough and complicated enough to satisfy any fan of the puzzle-style of mystery story.


The Golden Pool. A Story of a Forgotten Mine

R. Austin Freeman

This novel begins with Robert Englefield, a young Englishman, taking on a job with a vessel sailing for northern Africa. Once there, Englefield is placed in the position of running the store through which the captain sells and trades his goods. As Englefield spends more and more time at this outpost on the African coast, he hears stories a legendary mine in the interior of Africa where the priests capture unwary travelers and blind them to prevent escape. Purely out of curiousity, Englefield finally decides to go looking for this mine in spite of the obvious dangers presented to a white man traveling in the rural African interior. Once Englefield departs and inevitably runs into trouble, the story finally takes on some suspense and unpredictability.


The Great Portrait Mystery and Other Stories

R. Austin Freeman

A daring daylight art theft from a crowded museum, a secret document centuries old, and a hidden treasure, these are the elements of the title story in this collection of tales by R. Austin Freeman. Though best known for his famous forensic sleuth, Dr. John Thorndyke, Freeman also on occasion wrote stories featuring other characters. In addition to The Great Portrait Mystery, this collection features four more of these tales which show a more whimsical and humorous side of the author, dealing in turn with a bewitched curate, thieves whose clever plans go adrift, a haunted lawyer, and a poor bricklayer on whom fortune smiles in a strange fashion. This collection of seven short stories includes two featuring Dr. John Evelyn Thorndyke, a fictional detective in a long series of novels and short stories by British author R. Austin Freeman (1862-1943).


The Jacob Street Mystery

R. Austin Freeman

R. Austin Freemans mysteries are often divided into two parts, the first dealing with events leading up to a murder, followed by Dr. Thorndykes investigation. In this case, the first part, about a beautiful woman who poses as a serious artist, then disappears, is delightful. It details the friendship between Thomas Pedley and Loretta Schiller. The second part is written in the first person with Jervis, Thorndykes assistant, being the narrator as usual. A peaceful, pleasant afternoon in the woodland scene of Linton Green is disturbed when a brutal murder takes place. But thanks to an unseen witness, the killer may be caught, and the witness turns out to be a blessing in disguise. This is the story of Thomas Pedley, a gifted artist who paints what he sees from memory.


The Magic Casket

R. Austin Freeman

The Magic Casket Thorndike solves the mystery of the box in order to locate a jewel stolen from a client and get rid of the dastardly Japanese who are after them in every way.


The Mystery of 31 New Inn

R. Austin Freeman

Second in the Dr. Thorndyke mystery series set in London around 1900. Thorndyke is a lawyer and medical doctor who reasons out mysteries. This involves a young doctor friend who Thorndyke hires as his assistant whose strange case involving a mysteries man and couple who are caring for him and an inheritance case brought to Thorndyke. A classic English mystery with the detective, Dr. Thorndyke, solving what appears to be two disparate mysteries. One is an apparent suicide with a disputed will; the other is one of his sidekicks (Dr. Jervis) odd case of an apparent poisoning. Despite the twists and turns, the mysteries are solved.