Автор: Robert E. Howard

Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) całe życie spędził w Teksasie. Jako słabowity mól książkowy, gnębiony przez rówieśników, rozpoczął ostry trening i wstąpił do klubu bokserskiego. Pod silnym wpływem matki wybrał karierę pisarską, pierwsze opowiadanie zamieścił w "Adventure Magazine" już jako piętnastolatek. Dochody z pisarstwa nie starczały z początku na utrzymanie, stąd też dorabiał jako zbieracz bawełny, znakowacz bydła, sprzedawca w sklepie, pomoc biurowa czy pisząc "wieści z pól naftowych". Od 1925 roku współpracował z czasopismem "Weird Tales", publikując teksty uważane do dziś za najważniejsze w jego dorobku. Tworzył opowieści wszelkiego rodzaju: horrory, opowiadania sportowe i historyczne czy westerny, ale największą sławę przyniosła mu literatura fantasy. Uważany jest za jednego z autorów, którzy zmienili jej oblicze. Wykreował wielu barwnych bohaterów: purytanina Solomona Kane'a, Pikta Brana Mak Morna i Kulla z Atlantydy, jednak poczesną sławę zapewnił mu Conan z Cimmerii, który stał się archetypem dla wszystkich twórców spod znaku magii i miecza oraz fantasy bohaterskiej.

Karierę Howarda ucięła nagle samobójcza śmierć na wieść o tym, że dla jego chorej, leżącej w szpitalu matki nie ma już żadnej nadziei. Matka zmarła następnego dnia rano - pochowani zostali razem.

Eлектронна книга

Gates of Empire

Robert E. Howard

The castles of the Twelfth Century, fortresses rather than mere dwellings, were built for defense, not comfort. The hall through which the drunken band was hallooing was broad, lofty, windy, strewn with rushes, now but faintly lighted by the dying embers in a great ill-ventilated fireplace. Rude, sail-like hangings along the walls rippled in the wind that found its way through.

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Graveyard Rats

Robert E. Howard

Despite an aversion to the detective formula, he wrote the tales in Graveyard Rats during the same years he chronicled the adventures of Conan. This collection features a new introduction by scholar Don Herron, editor of The Dark Barbarian, the definitive look at the life and work of Robert E. Howard.

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Hawk of the Hills

Robert E. Howard

This early work by Robert E. Howard was originally published. Hawk of the Hills is a story in the El Borak series where El Borak leads a tribe to war in Afganistan. I recommend this book

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Hawks of Outremer

Robert E. Howard

Hawks of Outremer is a tight tale. The main character is Cormac FitzGeoffrey, a bastard Norman-Gael who has thrown his lot in with the Crusaders. Once a loose peace was established in Outremer, Cormac returned to Ireland but after a short stint fighting, peace broke out there, too. Cormac returns to the Holy Land (Outremer) seeking to attach himself to a liege, only to learn that his liege of choice has been assassinated. Plots are afoot between Muslims and Christian lords who want nothing to do with Saladin nor European kings. Rather than jeopardize the peace with an armed force, FitzGeoffrey vows vengeance and embarks solo to deal death to those who deserve it.

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Historical Adventures

Robert E. Howard

The immortal legacy of Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan the Cimmerian, continues with this latest compendium of Howards fiction and poetry. He will always be best remembered for his sword and sorcery tales but his work was extraordinarily varied. Unlike most of his better known works such as Conan, Kull, Solomon Kane, etc., these stories are all historically based adventure stories. These adventures, set in medieval-era Europe and the Near East, are among the most gripping Howard ever wrote, full of pageantry, romance, and battle scenes worthy of Tolstoy himself. Lots of swashbuckling adventure here but no magic or supernatural elements. Historical Adventures is a must-have for every fan of Robert E. Howard, who, in a career spanning just twelve years, won a place in the pantheon of great American writers.

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Iron Shadows in the Moon

Robert E. Howard

Shadows in the Moonlight is one of the original short stories starring the fictional sword and sorcery hero Conan the Cimmerian, written author Robert E. Howard and first published in Weird Tales magazine in April 1934. Howard originally named his story Iron Shadows in the Moon. It is set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan escaping to a remote island in the Vilayet Sea where he encounters the Red Brotherhood, a skulking creature, and mysterious iron statues.

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Jewels of Gwahlur

Robert E. Howard

The cliffs rose sheer from the jungle, towering ramparts of stone that glinted jade-blue and dull crimson in the rising sun, and curved away and away to east and west above the waving emerald ocean of fronds and leaves. It looked insurmountable, that giant palisade with its sheer curtains of solid rock in which bits of quartz winked dazzlingly in the sunlight. But the man who was working his tedious way upward was already halfway to the top.

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Kings of the Night

Robert E. Howard

The dagger flashed downward. A sharp cry broke in a gasp. The form on the rough altar twitched convulsively and lay still. The jagged flint edge sawed at the crimsoned breast, and thin bony fingers, ghastly dyed, tore out the still- twitching heart. Under matted white brows, sharp eyes gleamed with a ferocious intensity.