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B. M. Bower, was an American author who wrote novels, fictional short stories, and screenplays about the American Old West. This is one of her stories. In her prolific career as a writer of many classic Westerns, the most beloved characters ever created by author B. M. Bower were the happy but hardscrabble crew of the Flying U ranch. The Lonesome Trail catches up with the band of cowhands and ranchers as some of them have grown weary of range life and have decided to forge a path for themselves in the big city. Here we meet Will Weary Davidson, his co-workers (known collectively as The Happy Family) and his horse Glory. Glory has a major role to play in this story.
Billy Boyle knows cattle and horses better than most. Alexander P. Dill, the merchant from Michigan, knows little of livestock and needs Billys help to make it in the business. Billy is eager to oblige, but can he beat the weather, the barbed wire, and the mysterious maneuvers of old man Brown? And what is the Pilgrim up to? Surely no good when it comes to Flora Bridger, who Billy wants to make his own. B. M. Bower was one of the most prolific and popular writers in the early days of the Western genre, and stories like The Long Shadow explain the authors abiding popularity.
The Lookout Man is a 1917 novel by American author B. M. Bower. Fans of B. M. Bowers fast-paced Western novels will love The Lookout Man. One man discovers how the Law in the Wild West can be bent, broken, and even beaten. Set in Northern California when the region was still teetering between civilization and Old West devilry, the novel tells the tale of a young protagonist who has a good heart but a seemingly insatiable taste for danger. A Northern California story full of action, excitement and love. A fantastic example of classic Western fiction, The Lookout Man is a must-read for all fans of the genre.
Take a trip along the dusty byways of the Old West in this book from renowned author B.M. Bowers. Phil Thurston was born on the range where the trails are dim and silent under the big sky. It was the place his father loved, the place he had to be. After the death of his father when he was five, his mother brought him back to the city, where he grew up and became a writer. To revive his stale writing, he returns to the West, and may just find what he is really missing. Thurston learns many a lesson while following The Lure of the Dim Trails but the hardest, and probably the most welcome, is that of love.
B. M. Bower was the first woman to make a career of writing popular westerns. Her works, featuring cowboys and cows of the Flying U Ranch in Montana, reflected an interest in ranch life, the use of working cowboys as main characters, the occasional appearance of eastern types for the sake of contrast, a sense of western geography as simultaneously harsh and grand, and a good deal of factual attention to such matters as cattle branding and bronc busting. The Parowan Bonanza is one of her stories. This short but engaging novel contains all of the elements that made B. M. Bowers books a mainstay of the genre of classic Westerns.
In The Phantom Herd from 1916 we follow a film director Luck Lindsay who wants to make an authentic western, therefore using the Happy Family boys and some of their friends as actors instead of professional actors. There are many difficulties along the way, some of which bid fair to be insurmountable and they are up against big problems, mostly the weather and deadline. The story is absolutely thrilling and at the same time Bower, with the help from a real western actor, has made a great research on how you made films in those early silent film days. One of many recommended works by this prolific author.
B.M. Bower was an American writer of Western novels and short stories who wrote over 55 novels. Several of her stories were subsequently adapted and made into movies. This story of the cow country concerns the efforts of the Sawtooth Cattle Company, who number their cattle by the tens of thousands, to eliminate the smaller outfits around. Al Woodruff, the evil eye of the Sawtooth, is efficient in his particular line of work, which is the reason why Brit Hunter of the Quirt ranch calls life in the Sawtooth country extra hazardous. Action and adventure there are a-plenty.
The Ranch at the Wolverine follows an intrepid group of settlers who made a home in the land now known as Idaho. Billy Louise has given up her childhood play and her schooling in order to run the ranch near the Wolverine River after her father dies in an accident. One winter she takes Ward, a young cowboy with mysterious past, to her ranch to work as hired man. After Ward shares his secret with Billy, strange events start to occur. Adventure, danger and a beautifully detailed description of life in the Old West fill out the story, which, as with most B.M. Bower novels, has a sad/happy ending. From one of Americas most loved novelists in the western genre this is a classic and a great addition to the collection.