Autor: Hulbert Footner

The Sealed Valley

Hulbert Footner

The Fort Edward Hotel, better known as the Maroneys Hotel, looked in the middle of the streets like a packing box among soap dishes. Other habitats stretched out on both sides of the wrong double row. At eleven in the morning there were few humans in sight, because the black? ies were in murderous fettle, and anyway, the principal industry of the place was waiting for the railway. Strange things happen on these streets. The reader will not immediately be able to understand whats the matter.


The Shanty Sled

Hulbert Footner

This story is something vital, but very tragic. The main character decides to travel from New York to northwestern Canada to see her mother, who sent her to New York twenty years ago. She falls in love with a local catcher, and then an evil fur trader tries to intervene.


The Substitute Millionaire

Hulbert Footner

A multimillionaire Silas Gyde was killed by an anarchists bomb and Jack Norman found himself Silas Gydes sole heir and the richest man in New York. The inheritance included a warning from his benefactor about an elaborate protection scheme promising to protect the wealthy from anarchists, in which Gyde had declined to enroll. Jack enlists a out-of-work actor to take on his own identity, while he, in the guise of Jack Normans secretary, works furiously behind the scenes to break up the gang and unmask their leader Mr. B.


The Under Dogs

Hulbert Footner

The Under Dogs", published in 1925, is the first novel about Rosika Storey, told by her trusty secretary, Bella Brickley. Beautiful, intelligent Madame Rosika Storey, a respected investigator, becomes interested in the case of a young girl accused of jewel robbery. Although Melanie is desperate, she rejects Mme. Storeys help, because the gang that is after her is ruthless and, she thinks, unstoppable. When Melanie is kidnapped, Mme. Storey goes undercover herself, and walks into the clutches of the gang, where she works to find its mysterious leader and to free the imprisoned Melanie.


The Velvet Hand

Hulbert Footner

Madame Rosika Storey was one of the most celebrated fictional female private investigators during the Golden Age of the mystery (1920-40). She is a beautiful detecative who solves four cases for you in a manner most effecative, arriving at conclusions by processes subliminal, since intuition is her guide in locating the criminal. See what happen in each case, both dangerous and difficult. And since her intuition is so perfectly reliable, and backed up by ingenious proof whose force is undeniable all of which of course is written in a manner most enjoyable were sure that youll agree no crook could ever catch Rosika out, and if you ever need a dick we hope that you will seek her out.


The Viper

Hulbert Footner

A collection of crime fiction short stories featuring Mme. Rosika Storey and her resourceful assistant Bella Brickley. Mme. Storey unravels complex cases with thorough investigation and an understanding of human nature. Her way to resolve the mystery is original and bring you in a new world. She is Madame Storey, like Sherlock has fantastic powers of deduction and understanding of psychology, and her secretary is like Watson though she doest have a degree in medicine. These short stories are written through Bella Brickleys point-of-view. It is definitely recommended for a wide circle of readers who want to have a couple of hours of fascinating reading.


The Woman from Outside

Hulbert Footner, Hulbert Footner

A woman goes on a secret errand into the far Northwest. Before it is accomplished the usual characters come into the story Indians, mounted police, and the villain. Written by Hulbert Footner who was an Edmonton journalist and travelled the northwest before it was settled. Published in 1921, it is a fascinating eye-witness view of the times and attitudes of northern trappers and traders, including the colonial view of Native Peoples.


Thieves Wit

Hulbert Footner

Thieves Wit is a detective story. Aspiring Confidential Agent in search of a pearl necklace. The villain sets up her lover, but the detective foils the evil plot. A story that keeps you in suspense until the end.