Autor: Fred M. White

The Mystery of the Four Fingers

Fred M. White

The main characters of this story are a wealthy lawyer named Jim Gourdon and his tanned, adventurous friend Gerald Wenner traveling the world who amazes Gurdon and readers with his own story about the alleged millionaire Fenwick, his daughter, and some other noteworthy characters. After all, Fenwick has recently become a millionaire, it seems that posing as another. And his daughter is full of past secrets.


The Mystery of the Ravenspurs

Fred M. White

Ravenspurs is a quiet, dignified family, as rich and respectable as they come. However, recently they have become victims of mysterious crimes. But who is behind these tragedies? The last of the family must figure out before the whole line is destroyed.


The Nether Millstone

Fred M. White

What is it like to know that you will die soon? Our main character knew that. 22-year-old Mary Dashwood knew that she had only a few minutes left to live. Her horse was galloping wildly when she heard the mans smooth, firm voice. But the man had not come for Mary. Instead, hed come with a deathbed message and a long-standing grudge.


The Old Secretaire

Fred M. White

In Woodside Manor, there was an old servant a terrible man, almost ninety years old, with thick white eyebrows and sharp black eyes who recalled the tragedy Silas Brooks, the valet of the unfortunate Arundel Secretan. But even he never spoke about it, but only listened when the story was mentioned with suspicion and hatred, flashing in his evil dark eyes. The servants said he was crazy that the recollection had turned his brain. One day, many years ago, he told this story, and never heard of mentioning it again. Arundel Secretan had too much of a swashbuckler in his blood...


The Phantom Car

Fred M. White

Sebastian Wilde really was a great man. He seemed to be paralysed from his hips downwards, which, indeed, was the case, though his arms were vigorous enough and his affliction had not robbed him of the brightness of his eyes or blunted the edge of his amazing intellect. He had no friends and visitors; he was pleased, in his words, to work quietly on the task of his life and, perhaps, when this is completed, he can go out of his obscurity and again take his place in the great world. However, what could such a noble person hide?


The Price of Silence

Fred M. White

Sir Wilton Oakes was a man of about five and forty years of age, although he looked younger, he didnt feel like it. He had all the attributes of his ancient race the face of a hawk, a short upper lip, and the easy manner of one who was born to be the commander of people. He recently took over the beautiful Elizabethan house that was his legacy. And now the old baronet was dead, and the man sitting at the library table reigned in his stead.


The Riddle of the Rail

Fred M. White

Infrequently puzzles can be solved. However, the main character, inspector Norcliff, is trying to solve this problem. The inspector had no resemblance to the average detective fiction; Indeed, he represented the exterior much more like a successful middle-aged businessman, than a hunter of his fellow creatures. He was the best in the business. Therefore, he was ready to take on a new business with great enthusiasm.


The Romance of the Secret Service Fund

Fred M. White

There are several families, without any secrets or rumors, and the Amory were no exception to this rule. Servants in the house and people in the village used to talk about Lady Amory with a significant look or smile, depending on the circumstances. Sir Gabriel Amory spent most of his time in the south of France and was not in England for many years, while his wife was not seen until he died. All wealth passed to her. It will soon turn out that Lady Amory is not as clean as many think.