Автор: Mark Twain
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A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court

Mark Twain

A chance meeting in the Warwick Castle leads to an unusual acquaintance. An American who was born and raised in Connecticut shares his diary, which describes in detail his journey to England in the VI century. Darkness and horror, hunger and poverty the main companions of the time. Wild laws, the incredible power of the church and the nobility, unlimited faith in words. Absolutely implausible, but quite quickly the American becomes an important person at the court of King Arthur, and four years later even pulls him on a dangerous journey.

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A Double Barrelled Detective Story

Mark Twain

A wealthy young woman is abused, humiliated, and abandoned by her new husband, Jacob Fuller, whom she married against her fathers will. Young Fuller takes offense at the fact that her father rejects and rejects him as deliberate, and decides to take revenge on him by mistreating his new bride. After leaving her, she gives birth to a son whom she calls Archie Stillman. When the child gets older, the mother discovers that he has an incredible sense of smell, like bloodhound.

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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is about a young boy, Huck, in search of freedom and adventure. He meets a run away slave named Jim and the two undertake a series of adventures based on the Picaresque novel by Mark Twain. As the story progresses the duo exploit an array of episodic enterprises, while Huckleberry slowly changes his views of bigotry. Along the way, Huck and Jim meet the King and Duke, who ultimately send the protagonists towards a different route on their journey. As Huck begins to have a change of heart, he gradually begins to distinguish between right and wrong, and conclusively, Huck is faced with the moral dilemma between the worlds prejudice, of which hes grown up with, and the lessons Jim has taught him throughout the story about the evils of racism. The complexity of his character is enhanced by his ability to relate so easily with nature and the river.

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A Horses Tale

Mark Twain

It was interesting how Twain switched between stories. For example, a horse started a story from a first-person perspective. At first, people told, then letters told about past events, often to characters who do not participate in the events of history, and, finally, animals told other animals about the dialogue.

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A Tramp Abroad, Complete

Mark Twain

The noisy success of this perky book, which was based on Mark Twains impressions of his trip to Europe and Palestine, opened the way for the journalist to great literature. A guy from the shores of the Mississippi, convinced that the Old World is the day of mankind, and the future belongs to America, funny describes the sights, customs and customs of the countries where he visited.

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Bajeczka o Kominiarczyku

Mark Twain

Mądre, napisane z humorem opowiadanie Marka Twaina. A tak się ono zaczyna: Lato nastąpiło i upał najsilniejszy ludzi zmagał w okrutny sposób. Wielu umierało na udar słoneczny, a w armii grasowała dezyderia, ta plaga wojskowości, na którą poradzić tak trudno. Lekarze byli w rozpaczy, leki ich bowiem i nauka której zresztą niewiele posiadali wydawały się zupełnie bezskutecznymi. Wówczas cesarz zwołał najsłynniejszych doktorów, surową miał do nich przemowę i zapytał, dlaczego dają jego żołnierzom umierać? Czymże są właściwie, lekarzami, czy tylko po prostu mordercami? Na to, najstarszy i najpoważniejszy morderca przepraszam, lekarz, chciałem powiedzieć, powstał i w te słowa się odezwał: Robiliśmy, co mogliśmy, najjaśniejszy panie... Cesarz medycyny nie studiował, zbeształ więc tylko uczonych i kazał im się wynosić sprzed swego oblicza. Kilka dni później sam jednak zachorował. Wiadomość o tym pobiegła z ust do ust i cały kraj w rozpaczy pogrążyła. Wszyscy mówili o tym strasznym nieszczęściu i mało było takich, których nadzieja nie opuściła. Sam cesarz zasmuconym był bardzo i powiedział: Niech się dzieje wola Boska! Poślijcie po morderców i niechże raz będzie temu koniec. Przyszli wezwani, wzięli go za puls, kazali mu język pokazać i posławszy po domową apteczkę, wylali mu zawartość do jego gardła. Potem usiedli i czekali cierpliwie, nie płacono im bowiem za wizytę, lecz rocznie. I mogłoby się wydawać, że był to koniec monarchy, na szczęście na dworze pojawił się ktoś, komu udało się zapobiec nieszczęściu!... nazywał się Jimmy i był kominiarczykiem...

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Captain Stormfields Visit to Heaven

Mark Twain

The old godless captain Stormfield believed neither in God, nor in hell, nor in paradise, nor in hell. Imagine his surprise when, after his death, flying through the bottomless depths of space, he nevertheless arrived in paradise. He was even more surprised when he became acquainted with the local order it was too painfully different from the stories about the paradise of priests on Earth...

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Chapters from My Autobiography

Mark Twain

Mark Twain bequeathed to publish his autobiography without cuts only a hundred years after his death, and she first saw the light in 2010. Now, finally, many readers can meet this amazingly witty book. Twains autobiography is very unusual: amusing episodes alternate with sad ones, sparkling jokes give way to serious reasoning and the large-scale personality of the writer, who has presented the world with many masterpieces, appears before us in all its versatility.