Autor: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Doctor Grimshawes Secret. A Romance

Nathaniel Hawthorne

The novel Doctor Grimshawes Secret, in which a specific eerie coloring is attached to one particular house, still existing in Salem and adjacent to the old cemetery on Charter Street. This mood was expressed in giving a certain amount of mystery, magic or horror to events that are basically not supernatural. An interesting novel for mystery lovers.



Nathaniel Hawthorne

Hawthornes use of the language is magnificent, and the premise was interesting. We get acquainted with the love triangle between the heiress of Ellen, the immature student Edward and the painful scientist Fanshaw, and everything starts to go south after the villain enters. The pacing of this novel goes beyond the strange and not in a good way. After the first half of the novel, all expectations disappeared, even the idea that the search for the abducted girl had just begun.


Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories

Nathaniel Hawthorne

An early collection of fairy tales. Some of the subtle, almost subconscious problems that Hawthorne faces with female sexuality. Like the stories, these plays often do not follow the traditional dramatic arcs that can disappoint, but Hawthorne is always more interested in character than plot, so you just need to abandon any expectations of high drama and sometimes enjoy the amazing revelations that come from his attention to atmospheric details.


Septimius Felton. Or, The Elixir of Life

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Septimus Felton talks about the thirst for eternal life. Gothic, and sometimes irresistible, is the last book of this author. He changes the roles of the characters and spreads the story, which becomes mysterious and ambiguous. Inside the novel is a story about a bleeding shadow, like a collection of what is in the book.


Szkarłatna litera

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Lata 40. XVII wieku. Młoda mężatka Hester Prynne przyjeżdża do Bostonu, który wówczas był jeszcze małą osadą. Tam, czekając na przybycie męża, niespodziewanie zakochuje się w innym mężczyźnie i zachodzi w ciążę. Na świat przychodzi mała Pearl, a jej matka staje się symbolem hańby. Purytańska społeczność wymierza Hester dotkliwe kary. Ta, mimo napiętnowania, nie zdradza tożsamości kochanka. Stara się odkupić winy, oddając się wychowaniu córki i pomocy innym. Czy to wystarczy, by odzyskać poważanie wśród lokalnej społeczności?


Tanglewood Tales

Nathaniel Hawthorne

This is a fun collection, the second of Hawthorne, Greek myths slightly rethought and retold for children. These are famous stories with a rather friendly perception. Antey has some friends who are called pygmies, but it seems that their height is about six inches. But they are going to avenge him after Hercules killed him, and Big X good-naturedly accepts the loss. Theseus still kills the Minotaur, although the beast seems to be a kind of miserable soul, but does not leave Ariadne rather, she refuses to leave her father, despite all his flaws.


The Blithedale Romance

Nathaniel Hawthorne

A group of people is a powerful mixture of competing ambitions, and its idealism finds little satisfaction in agriculture. Instead of changing the world, Blithedale community members individually follow selfish paths that ultimately lead to tragedy. Hawthornes tale simultaneously mourns and saturates a rural idyll, not unlike the history of America in the 19th century as a whole.


The Dolliver Romance

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Dr. Dolliver, a worthy character of great antiquity. A persons desire for an immortal existence, an attempt to satisfy which would be stated in various ways: first, through the selfish old sensualist, Colonel Dabni, who greedily grabbed the mysterious elixir and took his draft so that he died on the spot; then, through the plain old Grandir, longing to live for Pansy; and, perhaps, through Pansy herself, who, having come to enjoy some kind of ennobling love, would like to defeat death so that she can always maintain the perfection of her worldly happiness all these forms of desire to be united are higher, a play of shadows that should direct our mind to true immortality outside of this world.