Author: Joe Larson

3D Printing Blueprints. Using the free open-source Blender software, anyone can design models for 3D printing. Fantastic fun and a great experience whether or not you have a 3D printer, this book is a crash course in the new technology

Joe Larson

3D Printing Designs: Design an SD Card Holder. Measurement basics to design and build a 3D printed object

Joe Larson

3D Printing Designs: Fun and Functional Projects. A step-by-step guide for precise and accurate 3D modelling using Blender

Joe Larson

3D Printing Designs: Octopus Pencil Holder. A fast paced guide to designing and printing organic 3D shapes

Joe Larson

3D Printing Designs: The Sun Puzzle. Bringing puzzles in 3 dimensions for 3D printing with Blender

Joe Larson