Autor: Gigi Sayfan

Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes. Build, deploy, and manage scalable microservices on Kubernetes

Gigi Sayfan

Mastering Kubernetes. Large scale container deployment and management

Gigi Sayfan

Mastering Kubernetes. Large scale container deployment and management

Gigi Sayfan

Mastering Kubernetes. Level up your container orchestration skills with Kubernetes to build, run, secure, and observe large-scale distributed apps - Third Edition

Gigi Sayfan

Mastering Kubernetes. Master the art of container management by using the power of Kubernetes - Second Edition

Gigi Sayfan

Tajniki Kubernetes. Rozwijaj umiejętności orkiestrowania kontenerów w Kubernetes, aby budować, uruchamiać, zabezpieczać i monitorować wielkoskalowe aplikacje rozproszone

Gigi Sayfan

The Complete Kubernetes Guide. Become an expert in container management with the power of Kubernetes

Jonathan Baier, Gigi Sayfan, Jesse White