Autor: Giuseppe Bonaccorso

Algorytmy uczenia maszynowego. Zaawansowane techniki implementacji

Giuseppe Bonaccorso

Hands-On Unsupervised Learning with Python. Implement machine learning and deep learning models using Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, and more

Giuseppe Bonaccorso

Machine Learning Algorithms. A reference guide to popular algorithms for data science and machine learning

Giuseppe Bonaccorso

Machine Learning Algorithms. Popular algorithms for data science and machine learning - Second Edition

Giuseppe Bonaccorso

Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms. Expert techniques for implementing popular machine learning algorithms, fine-tuning your models, and understanding how they work - Second Edition

Giuseppe Bonaccorso

Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms. Expert techniques to implement popular machine learning algorithms and fine-tune your models

Giuseppe Bonaccorso

Python: Advanced Guide to Artificial Intelligence. Expert machine learning systems and intelligent agents using Python

Giuseppe Bonaccorso, Armando Fandango, Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani