Autor: Greg Deckler

DAX Cookbook. Over 120 recipes to enhance your business with analytics, reporting, and business intelligence

Greg Deckler

Learn Power BI. A beginner's guide to developing interactive business intelligence solutions using Microsoft Power BI

Greg Deckler

Learn Power BI. A comprehensive, step-by-step guide for beginners to learn real-world business intelligence - Second Edition

Greg Deckler

Learn Power BI. A comprehensive, step-by-step guide for beginners to learn real-world business intelligence - Second Edition

Greg Deckler

Mastering Microsoft Power BI. Expert techniques to create interactive insights for effective data analytics and business intelligence - Second Edition

Greg Deckler, Brett Powell, Leon Gordon

Microsoft Power BI Cookbook. Gain expertise in Power BI with over 90 hands-on recipes, tips, and use cases - Second Edition

Greg Deckler, Brett Powell

Microsoft Power BI dla zaawansowanych. Eksperckie techniki tworzenia interaktywnych analiz w świecie biznesu. Wydanie II

Greg Deckler, Brett Powell

Pierwsze kroki w Power BI. Kompletny przewodnik po praktycznej analityce biznesowej. Wydanie II

Greg Deckler