Автор: red. Andrzej Pastwa

"Ecumeny and Law" 2013, No. 1: Marriage covenant - paradigm of encounter of the "de matrimonio" thought of the East and West

red. Andrzej Pastwa

"Ecumeny and Law" 2014, Vol. 2: Sovereign Family

red. Andrzej Pastwa

"Ecumeny and Law" 2015, Vol. 3: Welfare of the Child: Welfare of Family, Church, and Society

red. Andrzej Pastwa

"Ecumeny and Law" 2016. Vol. 4: Religious Freedom Today

red. Andrzej Pastwa

"Philosophy and Canon Law" 2015. Vol. 1: The Family Institution: Identity, Sovereignty, Social Dimension

red. Andrzej Pastwa

"Philosophy and Canon Law" 2016. Vol. 2: Man - Family - Society in the Modern World

Pavol Dancák, Leo D. Lefebure, Rudolf Dupkala, Krzysztof Wieczorek, ...