E-book details

Conrad and Kirowan

Conrad and Kirowan

Robert E. Howard


Professor John Kirowan is a fictional character from Robert E. Howards contributions to H.P. Lovecrafts story cycle the Cthulhu Mythos. Kirowan is often partnered with the character John Conrad, to the extent that these stories are often referred to under the group title Conrad & Kirowan. Professor Kirowan is a younger son of a titled Irish family and a scholar of the Mythos who travelled widely in search of forbidden knowledge. His ancestor, Sir Michael Kirowan was a medieval knight famous for killing a particularly fierce and notorious villain, whose ghost Kirowan will meet and escape from.

  • Title: Conrad and Kirowan
  • Author: Robert E. Howard
  • ISBN: 9788381487252, 9788381487252
  • Date of issue: 2019-10-09
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_1c7w
  • Publisher: KtoCzyta.pl