E-book details

The King Diamond

The King Diamond

Fred M. White


Sir Samuel Oscar was not only a great man and a South African magnate of the first importance, but also a very kind and considerate employer. Quickly began to climb the career ladder in Maggersfont Diamond Company, his secretary. No one could argue or be dissatisfied with the upcoming events. After all, Stella charmed everyone with her beauty and intelligence. The last member of her family dies and bequeaths Ravenswood mansion and other valuables. She decided to put them up for auction, and her boss, Sir Samuel, became their owner.

  • Title: The King Diamond
  • Author: Fred M. White
  • ISBN: 9788381367134, 9788381367134
  • Date of issue: 2019-11-01
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_1d5t
  • Publisher: Ventigo Media