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- Reflectivity in Pre-Service Teacher Education: A Survey of Theory and Practice
Szczegóły ebooka

Reflectivity in Pre-Service Teacher Education: A Survey of Theory and Practice
Rozdział pierwszy poświęcony jest charakterystyce nauczycieli jako grupy zawodowej, w szczególności nauczycieli początkujących. W rozdziale drugim Autorka podejmuje próbę zdefiniowania refleksyjności i refleksyjnego nauczania w celu określenia ich miejsca w rozwoju zawodowym nauczyciela. Rozdziały trzeci i czwarty opisują narzędzia rozwoju refleksyjności: pamiętnik nauczyciela oraz tzw. zdarzenia krytyczne (critical incidents) jako istotny element refleksji.
Ostatni rozdział pracy przedstawia badanie przeprowadzone przez Autorkę na grupie słuchaczy nauczycielskiego kolegium języków obcych – przyszłych nauczycieli języka angielskiego. Celem badania było wykształcenie umiejętności refleksyjnego podejścia do nauczania już w początkowym etapie rozwoju zawodowego nauczyciela. Podstawę badania stanowią tu dla Autorki pamiętniki pisane przez słuchaczy, w których identyfikowali i interpretowali zdarzenia krytyczne, jakie zaszły w klasie uczniów podczas odbywania przez nich rocznej praktyki pedagogicznej w szkole. Wnioski z badań są bardzo optymistyczne i ukazują rozwój samoświadomości młodych nauczycieli oraz wzrost ich motywacji do nauczania po wprowadzeniu modelu nauczania refleksyjnego, opartego na prowadzeniu pamiętnika nauczyciela.
List of Contents
Acknowledgements / 9
Preface / 11
Chapter 1
Teachers as a professional group / 15
1.1 Introduction / 15
1.2 Stages in teacher professional and career development / 16
1.3 Motivation to teach / 19
1.3.1 Defining motivation to teach and its components / 19
1.3.2 A sample study of pre-service teachers’ motivations / 25
1.4 Individual differences and systems of beliefs / 30
1.4.1 Teachers’ beliefs about teaching / 30
1.4.2 Self-concept and teacher identity / 32
Defining the concepts / 32
The process of professional identity development / 36
1.4.3 Pre-service teachers’ sense of the teaching profession / 41
Metaphors of teaching in teachers’ narratives / 41
A sample study of pre-service teachers’ metaphoric categorisation of teaching / 42
Pre-service vs in-service teachers’ professional identities / 48
1.5 Pre-service teachers’ initial development / 51
1.5.1 Challenges faced and thematic concerns expressed / 51
1.5.2 A sample study of pre-service teachers’ challenges and areas of concerns / 53
The study group / 53
The thematic areas of concerns / 53
The pre-service teachers’ comments on project theme choices / 57
1.6 Pre-service teachers in the period of school placement / 58
1.6.1 Teaching practice: its functions and learning dimensions / 58
1.6.2 A sample study of trainees’ evaluation of school-based experiences / 64
1.7 Summary: The profile of a pre-service teacher / 68
Chapter 2
Reflectivity in teacher development / 71
2.1 Introduction / 71
2.2 Reflection and reflectivity / 74
2.2.1 Defining reflectivity (an overview of different perspectives) / 74
2.2.2 Different levels of reflection / 75
2.2.3 Teachers in action: levels of reflection / 78
2.2.4 Reflection in teaching / 79
2.2.5 Domains in teachers’ reflectivity (empirical data) / 80
2.3 Teaching as a knowledge-constructing process / 84
2.3.1 Knowledge construction as a process / 84
2.3.2 Expert vs novice knowledge / 86
2.3.3 Critical thinking and problem solving as attributes of knowledge construction / 87
2.3.4 Experiential learning as learning about teaching / 90
2.4 Reflective practice in learning to teach / 93
2.4.1 Defining reflective practice and its characteristics / 93
2.4.2 Diagnosing pre-service teachers’ reflectivity (empirical data) / 98
2.5 Pre-service teachers’ training in reflective teaching / 99
2.5.1 Areas and focus of reflection development / 99
2.5.2 Classroom research as a form of reflectivity development / 102
Action research as reflection on FL teaching and learning / 102
The stages of AR projects / 105
Difficulties in carrying out AR projects at the pre-service level / 108
2.6 Summary: Creating a new reflective practitioner / 109
Chapter 3
From critical incidents to critical events in classroom practice / 112
3.1 Introduction / 112
3.2 The nature of attention and consciousness / 114
3.3 Teacher presence and classroom awareness / 117
3.4 Critical incidents (CIs) / 119
3.4.1 Defining a critical incident / 119
3.4.2 I dentifying, describing and analysing critical incidents / 126
3.4.3 Studies of critical incidents in teaching / 131
An experienced vs a novice teacher (a case study on CIs) / 131
The impact of critical incidents / 132
Affect-triggering occurences as critical incidents / 134
“Seeking satisfaction” / 135
“Bumpy moments” in teaching / 137
3.5 The cognitive focus of CI analysis: thinking skills / 139
3.6 The affective focus of CI analysis: appraisal systems in teaching / 140
3.6.1 The nature of appraisal values / 140
3.6.2 Tools of appraisal measurement / 143
3.6.3 A sample study of appraisal systems in teaching / 144
3.7 Summary: From a critical incident to a critical event / 148
Chapter 4
Diary studies in developing teachers’ reflectivity / 151
4.1 Introduction / 151
4.2 Teacher narratives as a way of constructing professional knowledge / 152
4.3 Teacher diaries (journals) as tools of professional development / 158
4.3.1 F unctionalities of diaries / 158
4.3.2 Characteristics of diaries / 160
4.3.3 How to write a diary / 162
General guidelines / 162
Structuring and analysing a diary entry (an example) / 164
Pre-service teachers’ diary writing / 166
4.4 Sample studies / 167
4.4.1 The thematic concerns of diaries: an overview of focus areas / 167
4.4.2 Stages in teacher development / 168
4.4.3 Journal writing as a way of developing reflective thinking / 171
4.4.4 The major diary concerns of pre-service teachers / 172
4.4.5 Emotional and cognitive dissonance in L2 teachers’ development / 174
4.4.6 Affectivity in language learning experiences / 178
4.4.7 Diary as a self-assessment tool / 179
4.4.8 Teacher learning – student learning / 181
4.4.9 Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of diary writing / 183
4.5 Summary: Teacher stories in diaries / 186
Chapter 5
A study of pre-service teachers’ development through diary use / 190
5.1 Introduction / 190
5.2 Project design / 193
5.2.1 Research focus / 193
5.2.2 Pre-service teachers as a study sample and the teaching context / 195
5.2.3 Data collection tools / 197
The one-year teacher diary / 197
Narrative text / 199
5.2.4 Procedures / 200
5.3 Data presentation and analysis / 201
5.3.1 Narrative texts on perceptions of oneself as a pre-service teacher / 201
5.3.2 I dentification of CIs and their topic focus / 204
Topic concerns of pre-service teachers / 204
My beginnings / 208
In the middle / 210
Towards the end / 211
Shifts in concerns: a comparison / 212
5.3.3 Analysing critical incidents / 214
Ways of reflecting / 214
Examples of the trainees’ diary entries and their own analysis / 215
My beginnings / 215
In the middle / 219
Towards the end / 223
A comment on trainees’ ways of reflecting across the three stages / 226
5.3.4 Self-evaluation: successes and failures / 228
My beginnings / 228
In the middle / 232
Towards the end / 236
Success vs failure rate at different stages: a comparison / 239
5.3.5 My year at school – trainees’ final evaluation of themselves / 240
Conceptualising teaching / 240
Self-evaluation: strong and weak points / 241
A way forward / 244
5.4 Summary: Becoming reflective as an evolving process / 245
Epilogue: On improving teacher training paradigms / 250
Appendix: Unedited sample diary entries / 263
References / 271
Index of names / 293
Subject index / 301
Streszczenie / 307
Zusammenfassung / 308
- Tytuł: Reflectivity in Pre-Service Teacher Education: A Survey of Theory and Practice
- Autor: Danuta Gabryś-Barker
- ISBN: 978-8-3801-2556-8, 9788380125568
- Data wydania: 2015-09-02
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_1p12
- Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego