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Building Python Microservices with FastAPI. Build secure, scalable, and structured Python microservices from design concepts to infrastructure

Building Python Microservices with FastAPI. Build secure, scalable, and structured Python microservices from design concepts to infrastructure

Sherwin John C. Tragura

Eлектронна книга
FastAPI is an Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI)-based framework that can help build modern, manageable, and fast microservices. Because of its asynchronous core platform, this ASGI-based framework provides the best option when it comes to performance, reliability, and scalability over the WSGI-based Django and Flask. When working with Python, Flask, and Django microservices, you’ll be able to put your knowledge to work with this practical guide to building seamlessly manageable and fast microservices.
You’ll begin by understanding the background of FastAPI and learning how to install, configure, and use FastAPI to decompose business units. You’ll explore a unique and asynchronous REST API framework that can provide a better option when it comes to building microservices. After that, this book will guide you on how to apply and translate microservices design patterns in building various microservices applications and RESTful APIs using the FastAPI framework.
By the end of this microservices book, you’ll be able to understand, build, deploy, test, and experiment with microservices and their components using the FastAPI framework.
  • 1. Setting Up FastAPI for Starters
  • 2. Exploring the Core Features
  • 3. Investigating Dependency Injection
  • 4. Building the Microservice Application
  • 5. Connecting to a Relational Database
  • 6. Using a Non-Relational Database
  • 7. Securing the REST APIs
  • 8. Creating Coroutines, Events, and Message-Driven Transactions
  • 9. Utilizing Other Advanced Features
  • 10. Solving Numerical, Symbolic, and Graphical Problems
  • 11. Adding Other Microservice Features
  • Назва: Building Python Microservices with FastAPI. Build secure, scalable, and structured Python microservices from design concepts to infrastructure
  • Автор: Sherwin John C. Tragura
  • Оригінальна назва: Building Python Microservices with FastAPI. Build secure, scalable, and structured Python microservices from design concepts to infrastructure
  • ISBN: 9781803238791, 9781803238791
  • Дата видання: 2022-08-30
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_2a5a
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing