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- 101 UX Principles. Actionable Solutions for Product Design Success - Second Edition
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101 UX Principles. Actionable Solutions for Product Design Success - Second Edition
“This updated version of 101 UX Principles is a delight. It's an educational and fun provocation to look at the world of UX differently – solidly from the user's point of view.
-Elizabeth Churchill, Director of User Experience, Google
“A phenomenal reference guide. Complete with case studies, a record of personal experience, and visual examples, Grant makes it clear why these techniques have found their way into the canon of UX best practices.”
-Jeff Gothelf, Author of Lean UX
“..I recommend it to anyone looking to learn the basics and also for more experienced designers - the author’s candid opinions will force you to revisit some of your established assumptions!
-Anne Marie-Leger, Staff Product Designer, Shopify
“An absolute must-read, not only for UX designers, but this book is also super relevant for product managers trying to get better at product usability. Two enthusiastic thumbs up!
-Trent Blakely, Sr. Product Manager, Equinix
This book is a manifesto of UX/UI design best practices to help you put the focus back on what really matters: the user. From UX laws to practical UI, color, typography, and accessibility advice, it’s all packed into this easy-to-consult and fun read:
Essential UX laws
Handy best practices
Snippets of technical knowledge for anyone who wants to work in the digital space
101 UX Principles demonstrates the success from best-in-class products and leads the way to delight your users. Keep it on your desk for quick reference, send as a gift to colleagues to build allies, or brandish it as your weapon of choice during meetings to fight for your users’ right to a better digital experience.
Sneak a peek at some of the new and updated principles in this UX design book:
Work with user expectations, not against them
Make interactive elements obvious and discoverable
Optimize your interface for mobile
Streamline creating and entering passwords
Respect users' time and effort in your forms
Use animation with care in user interfaces
How to handle destructive user actions
Chatbots are usually a bad idea – and how to make them better
Use A/B testing to test your ideas
Let users give feedback, but don't hassle them
Make it clear to users if they're joining or signing-in
Only use modal views for blocking actions
How complexity can be good for some users
-Elizabeth Churchill, Director of User Experience, Google
“A phenomenal reference guide. Complete with case studies, a record of personal experience, and visual examples, Grant makes it clear why these techniques have found their way into the canon of UX best practices.”
-Jeff Gothelf, Author of Lean UX
“..I recommend it to anyone looking to learn the basics and also for more experienced designers - the author’s candid opinions will force you to revisit some of your established assumptions!
-Anne Marie-Leger, Staff Product Designer, Shopify
“An absolute must-read, not only for UX designers, but this book is also super relevant for product managers trying to get better at product usability. Two enthusiastic thumbs up!
-Trent Blakely, Sr. Product Manager, Equinix
This book is a manifesto of UX/UI design best practices to help you put the focus back on what really matters: the user. From UX laws to practical UI, color, typography, and accessibility advice, it’s all packed into this easy-to-consult and fun read:
Essential UX laws
Handy best practices
Snippets of technical knowledge for anyone who wants to work in the digital space
101 UX Principles demonstrates the success from best-in-class products and leads the way to delight your users. Keep it on your desk for quick reference, send as a gift to colleagues to build allies, or brandish it as your weapon of choice during meetings to fight for your users’ right to a better digital experience.
Sneak a peek at some of the new and updated principles in this UX design book:
Work with user expectations, not against them
Make interactive elements obvious and discoverable
Optimize your interface for mobile
Streamline creating and entering passwords
Respect users' time and effort in your forms
Use animation with care in user interfaces
How to handle destructive user actions
Chatbots are usually a bad idea – and how to make them better
Use A/B testing to test your ideas
Let users give feedback, but don't hassle them
Make it clear to users if they're joining or signing-in
Only use modal views for blocking actions
How complexity can be good for some users
- 1. Everyone Can Be Great at UX
- 2. Be Strategic About Using These Principles
- 3. Don’t Be Afraid to Ship Something Simple…
- 4. …But Complexity Can Be Good for Some Users
- 5. Use A/B Testing To Test Your Ideas
- 6. Test with Real Users
- 7. Nobody Cares About Your Brand
- 8. Don't Use More Than Two Typefaces
- 9. Users Already Have Fonts on Their Computers, So Use Them
- 10. Use Type Size and Weight to Depict an Information Hierarchy
- 11. Use a Sensible Default Size for Body Copy
- 12. Use an Ellipsis to Indicate That There's a Further Step
- 13. Make Interactive Elements Obvious and Discoverable
- 14. Make Buttons a Sensible Size and Group Them Together by Function
- 15. Make the Whole Button Clickable, Not Just the Text
- 16. Don’t Invent New, Arbitrary Cont rols
- 17. Search Should be a Text Field with a Button Labeled Search
- 18. Sliders Should Be Used for Non-Quantifiable Values Only
- 19. Use Numeric Entry Fields for Precise Integers
- 20. Don't Use a Drop-Down Menu If You Only Have a Few Options
- 21. Allow Users to Undo Destructive Actions
- 22. Optimise your interface for mobile
- 23. Use Infinite Scroll for Feed–Style Content Only
- 24. If Your Content Has a Beginning, Middle and End, Use Pagination
- 25. Allow Users to Accept or Reject Cookies with One Click
- 26. Help users understand their next steps from Empty States
- 27. Make Getting Started Tips Easily Dismissable
- 28. When a User Refreshes a Feed, Move Them to the Last Unread Item
- 29. Don't Hide Items Away in a Hamburger Menu
- 30. Make Your Links Look Like Links
- 31. Split Menu Items Down Into Subsections, so Users Don’t Have to Remember Large Lists
- 32. Categorize Settings in an Accessible Way
- 33. Repeat Menu Items in the Footer or Lower Down in the View
- 34. Use Consistent Icons Across the Product
- 35. Don't Use Obsolete Icons
- 36. Don’t Try to Depict a New Idea with an Existing Icon
- 37. Never Use Text on Icons
- 38. Always Give Icons a Text Label
- 39. Use Device-Native Input Features Where Possible
- 40. Streamline Creating and Entering Passwords
- 41. Always Allow the User to Paste into Password Fields
- 42. Don't Attempt to Validate Email Addresses
- 43. Respect Users’ Time and Effort in Your Forms
- 44. Pick a Sensible Size for Multiline Input Fields
- 45. Use Animation with Care in User Interfaces
- 46. Use the Same Date Picker Controls Consistently
- 47. Pre-Fill the Username in “Forgot Password” Fields
- 48. Make Your Input Systems Case-Insensitive
- 49. Chatbots Are Usually a Bad Idea
- 50. If Your Forms Are Good, Your Product Is Good
- 51. Validate Data Entry as Soon as Possible
- 52. If the Form Fails Validation, Show the User Which Field Needs Their Attention
- 53. Users Don’t Know (and Don’t Care) About Your Data Formats
- 54. Pick the Right Control for the Job
- 55. Allow Users to Enter Phone Numbers However They Wish
- 56. Use Dropdowns Sensibly for Date Entry
- 57. Capture the Bare Minimum When Requesting Payment Card Details
- 58. Make it Easy for Users to Enter Postal or ZIP Codes
- 59. Don't Add Decimal Places to Currency Input
- 60. Make It Painless for the User to Add Images
- 61. Use a “Linear” Progress Bar If a Task Will Take a Determinate Amount of Time
- 62. Show a Numeric Progress Indicator on the Progress Bar
- 63. Show a “Spinner” If the Task Will Take an Indeterminate Amount of Time
- 64. Contrast Ratios Are Your Friends
- 65. If You Must Use “Flat Design” Then Add Some Visual Affordances to Controls
- 66. Avoid Ambiguous Symbols
- 67. Make Links Make Sense Out of Context
- 68. Add Skip to Content Links Above the Header and Navigation
- 69. Never Use Color Alone to Convey Information
- 70. If You Turn off Device Zoom with a Meta Tag, You’re Evil
- 71. Give Navigation Elements a Logical Tab Order
- 72. Write Clear Labels for Controls
- 73. Make Tappable Areas Finger-Sized
- 74. Let Users Turn off Specific Notifications
- 75. Each Aspect of a User’s Journey Should Have a Beginning and End
- 76. The User Should Always Know What Stage They Are at in Any Given Journey
- 77. Use Breadcrumb Navigation
- 78. Users Rarely Care About Your Company
- 79. Follow the Standard E-Commerce Pattern
- 80. Show an Indicator If the User’s Work Is Unsaved
- 81. Let Users Give Feedback, but Don’t Hassle Them
- 82. Don't Use a Vanity Splash Screen
- 83. Make Your Favicon Distinctive
- 84. Add a “Create From Existing” Flow
- 85. Make it Easy for Users to Pay You
- 86. Give Users the Ability to Filter Search Results
- 87. Your Users Probably Don’t Understand the Filesystem
- 88. Show, Don't Tell
- 89. Be Consistent with Terminology
- 90. Use “Sign In” and “Sign Out”, Not “Log In” and “Log Out”
- 91. Make It Clear to Users If They’re Joining or Signing In
- 92. Standardize the Password Reset Experience
- 93. Write Like a Human Being
- 94. Choose Active Verbs over Passive
- 95. Search Results Pages Should Show the Most Relevant Result at the Top of the Page
- 96. Pick Good Defaults
- 97. Only Use Modal Views for Blocking Actions
- 98. Give Users The Experience They Expect
- 99. Decide Whether an Interaction Should Be Obvious, Easy, or Possible
- 100. “Does It Work on Mobile?” Is Obsolete
- 101. Don’t Join the Dark Side
- Tytuł: 101 UX Principles. Actionable Solutions for Product Design Success - Second Edition
- Autor: Will Grant
- Tytuł oryginału: 101 UX Principles. Actionable Solutions for Product Design Success - Second Edition
- ISBN: 9781803230511, 9781803230511
- Data wydania: 2022-05-20
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_2t7e
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing